DB world

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DB world
DB World compact.jpg
description Employee newspaper
publishing company fischerAppelt AG, Hamburg
First edition June 2006
Frequency of publication quarterly
ZDB 2931936-5

DB Welt (English DB World ) is the employee newspaper of Deutsche Bahn AG . Until May 2006, the newspaper was called BahnZeit , previously Wir. Free ride or we . DB Welt is distributed to employees via the Deutsche Bahn offices and is also available for non-employees by subscription. It can also be read in an app for free.


The first railway employee publication appeared on January 9, 1925, the periodical information sheet Die Reichsbahn - official news sheet of the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft . After the establishment of the Federal Railroad in West Germany, it was replaced by the newspaper Die Bundesbahn - Official organ of the main administration, which appeared for the first time on September 20, 1949 . This was primarily designed to inform the railway officials. In contrast, the Reichsbahn in the GDR published the employee newspaper Freie Fahrt - the weekly newspaper of the German railway workers , which appeared for the first time on May 1, 1949 and was called Fahrt frei from issue 5/49 . Right from the start, the focus was on entertainment and culture, and letters to the editor could also be found here. Both leaves should strengthen the identification with the respective web. In January 1975 the Bundesbahn was followed by the newspaper Wir - newspaper for the employees of the Deutsche Bundesbahn , now in color print. The ride free also switched to color printing. After the German reunification - but before the merger of the two railways - the two newspapers merged in September 1992 to become Wir / Fahrt frei .

With the merger of the Bundesbahn and Reichsbahn to form Deutsche Bahn AG, BahnZeit started on January 1, 1994 . It was designed in the boulevard style, the corporate color red dominated. Its scope quickly doubled from an initial 12 pages. From May 1998 area pages for Travel & Tourism, Regio, Cargo, Network and Station & Service were added. Nine regional editions were added in October 2000.

In June 2006 the name was changed to DB Welt , at the same time an English-language edition was introduced as DB World with a print run of 10,000 copies, layout and format were changed. These steps were justified with the increasingly international structure of DB AG, in which, in addition to the pure railway business, the logistics business is also playing an increasingly important role.

Before the format changeover at the end of 2017, the German edition comprised 20 jacket pages in the format (321 × 470 mm). Depending on the region, one of seven regional sections with four sides was inserted. The magazine was produced by the PR & Internal Communication department of Deutsche Bahn in collaboration with the Berlin agency C3 Creative Code and Content (formerly KircherBurkhardt ). It appeared at the beginning of the month with eleven issues per year (joint July / August issue) with a circulation of 140,000 copies. The English edition appeared monthly with eight pages.

Between June 2006 and the end of 2017, 44,450 texts, 25,400 photos and 2,540 graphics were published. In 2017, the circulation was given as 85,000.

After a Europe-wide invitation to tender in October 2016, fischerAppelt AG won the contract in July 2017 and has been the “content lead agency” for the newspaper since January 2018. With the change of service provider, the frequency of publication also changed. The newspaper has been published quarterly since the beginning of 2018, and in this context it was given a magazine-like character in A4 format .


The track time or DB world has been repeatedly awarded at competitions:

  • The publication was rated a total of nine times from 1st to 3rd place at the inkom.-Grand Prix for Internal Communication of the DPRG from 1996 to 2007.
  • She won the FEIA Grand Prix in 1999 and 2004, respectively.
  • In the Best of Corporate Publishing competition , Bahnzeit / DB Welt was recognized as the best German-language employee newspaper in Europe in 2005, 2006 and 2007. In 2008 the newspaper took second place.
  • The DB world was the Mercury Award 2012 with Gold Award, the newsletter DB World with bronze .

See also

  • mobil - the customer magazine of Deutsche Bahn

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c From lead deserts to colored leaves . In: DB World . No. 12 , 2017, p. 2 .
  2. ^ D-Karlsruhe: Services for companies: law, marketing, consulting, settings, printing and security . Document 2010 / S 233-356979 of December 1, 2010 in the Electronic Official Journal of the European Union.
  3. a b Deutsche Bahn AG (Ed.): International prices for magazines of the Deutsche Bahn . Press release from March 22, 2012.
  4. DB World in numbers . In: DB World . No. December 12 , 2017, p. 10 f .
  5. ^ A b Katharina Brecht: Fischer-Appelt becomes content lead agency for "DB Welt". In: horizont.net. July 12, 2017. Retrieved July 15, 2017 .
  6. Do you like what you're reading here? In: DB World . No. 4 , 2018, p. 39 .
  7. Best employee newspaper - DB Welt in the “Hall of Fame” . In: DB World. September. Berlin 2008, p. 1.