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The DNEL ( English derived no-effect level ), synonym DNEL , comes from Annex 1, paragraph 1.0.1 of the European chemicals legislation REACH regulation , which came into force on 1 July of 2007. It describes the exposure limit value below which a substance does not have any adverse effects on human health according to the state of scientific knowledge. The European Chemicals Agency has also introduced the DMEL value for substances for which there is no threshold .

According to the REACH regulation, the registrant (manufacturer or importer) of a substance has to state the DNEL values ​​for the most likely routes of exposure (oral, dermal, inhalative) and the likely duration and frequency of exposure. Depending on the possible routes of exposure, it may be necessary to specify different DNELs for relevant consumer groups (employees, consumers, etc.). The way to determine the DNEL value is described in Appendix 1, number 1.4.0 and is essentially based on toxicological assessments of the relevant substances. If it is not possible to determine a DNEL value, for example because insufficient data are available so far, this must be clearly stated in accordance with Annex 1, number 1.4.2 and justified accordingly.

DNEL values ​​related to the workplace, published in this form by the European Chemicals Agency, are contained in the GESTIS DNEL list of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV). It is based on a compilation of the professional association for the construction industry (BG BAU). Carcinogenic substances are given a special notice, as are substances for which there is a binding occupational exposure limit in Germany . The GESTIS DNEL list is available both as a downloadable Excel table and in the form of a search function. The GESTIS DNEL list includes entries for over 6000 substances. Commercial use is not permitted, and no liability is assumed.

The DNEL values ​​are criticized for the fact that they sometimes differ by a factor of five from existing limit values ​​and are manufacturer-dependent.

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Individual evidence

  1. REACH: New Chemicals Law , test.de of May 27, 2007, accessed on June 4, 2014.
  2. Consolidated version of the REACH regulation (pdf, 3.8 MB) (PDF) .
  3. a b Bernhard Brandt: Application of limit values ​​and other assessment criteria for hazardous substances in the workplace - European and national regulations, procedures in practice. In: Hazardous substances - cleanliness. Air . 77, No. 3, 2017, ISSN  0949-8036 , pp. 54-58.
  4. Risk assessment of chemicals under REACH - Restriction procedure under REACH , Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, accessed on June 4, 2014.
  5. ^ Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA): Explanations on the GESTIS DNEL list. Retrieved May 2, 2019 .
  6. ^ Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA): Annual Report 2018. Accessed on June 6, 2019 .