Dagmar Hansel

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Dagmar Hänsel (* 1943 in Würzburg ) is a German historian of curative / special education and emeritus professor for school education.

Live and act

Hansel studied from 1962 to 1966 at the University of Education in Berlin. After completing the second state examination for teaching in 1968, he studied educational science, sociology and psychology at the Free University of Berlin and the University of Cologne . In 1974 Hansel received his doctorate in educational science at the Ruhr University of Education. The topic of her dissertation was: Professional socialization of young teachers as an adjustment process . In 1979 she completed her habilitation in educational science with the license to teach school education.

After two years as a primary school teacher in Berlin (1966/68), she was then employed as a lecturer at the University of Education in Berlin. From 1970 to 1971 Hansel worked as a research assistant at the University of Düsseldorf and from 1974 to 1981 as a research assistant at the Pädagogische Hochschule Ruhr, later University of Dortmund.

In 1981 he was offered a professorship for school education with a focus on elementary school at Bielefeld University , where Hansel set up the learning workshop. Furthermore, together with Volker Möhle , she led the BLK model experiment for the integrated introductory semester at the primary level and developed the model of a special education course integrated into the subject of educational science, which ended with the acquisition of a general and special education teaching qualification. In 2008 Hansel retired.

Focus of work

  • School theory with a focus on elementary school
  • Theory and history of special education (in particular auxiliary schools / education)
  • Professionalization of teachers

Publications (selection)

  • Adaptation of the teacher. On socialization in professional practice, Weinheim / Basel 1976
  • Didactics of the general teaching. General teaching as an innovation in primary schools. Frankfurt a. M. 1980
  • Room for maneuver. Portrait of a Freinet group. Weinheim and Basel 1985
  • The primary school project book. 4th edition, 1st edition 1984. Weinheim and Basel 1992
  • Project teaching manual. 2nd edition, 1st edition 1997. Weinheim and Basel 1999
  • (together with Hans Schwager): Introduction to special needs school theory. Weinheim / Basel / Berlin 2003
  • (together with Hans Schwager): The special school as a school for the poor. From common lessons to special education based on the Braunschweig model. Bern / Berlin / Bruxelles / Frankfurt a. M. / New York / Oxford / Vienna 2004
  • The Nazi period as an asset for auxiliary school teachers. Bad Heilbrunn 2006
  • Karl Tornow as a pioneer of the special education profession. The foundation of the existing in the Nazi era. Bad Heilbrunn 2008
  • Special school teacher training under National Socialism. Bad Heilbrunn 2014

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