Daniel Benga

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Daniel Benga (born February 11, 1972 in Vajdarécse ) is an Orthodox theologian and professor at the University of Munich .


From 1990 to 1994 he studied Orthodox theology at the Orthodox Theological Faculty of the University of Bucharest (1994–1995: Master's degree at the same faculty / 1995–2000: doctoral thesis with Viorel Ioniță ; subject church history. 2000 - Dissertation: The great Lutheran reformers and the Orthodox Church Contributions to the typology of orthodox-Lutheran relations in the 16th century). From 1996 to 1997 he attended an intensive German course at the Evangelical Faculty in Sibiu # Education . From 1997 to 2001 he was a scholarship holder of the Diakonisches Werk der EKD at the theological faculty of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (second doctoral thesis with Karl Christian Felmy 2001 - doctorate - SUMMA CUM LAUDE - with the dissertation: David Chytraeus as explorer and rediscoverer of the Eastern Churches). From 2003 to 2004 he was a fellow of New Europe College - Institut for Advanced Study in Bucharest - Guest of the Rector. Postdoctoral Research Project: Introduction to the Ethos and Mentalities of Ancient Christianity. In 2006 he conducted research at the University of Marburg on the subject: The ethos of ancient Christianity. From 2011 to 2012 he was a fellow of the Romanian Academy with a post-doctoral research project: Identity and Demarcation. Demarcation processes against pagan society and Jewish practices in Syrian Christianity of the 3rd century. In 2011 and 2012 he did research for three months at the Franz Joseph Dölger Institute in cooperation with Georg Schöllgen . In March 2015 he conducted research at the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem on the subject: The veneration of the martyr Stephen in Jerusalem and Constantinople in Christian antiquity. After the habilitation in 2015 in Bucharest: Contributions to church history: The ethos and mentalities of ancient Christianity; Orthodoxy and Reformation he was visiting professor at the University of Eastern Finland in May 2016 .

His main research interests are the history, theology and spirituality of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, the early Christian church orders, especially the Syrian Didaskaliel , everyday life and liturgy in Christian antiquity, orthodoxy and the Reformation. Theological dialogue between the Christian denominations.

Fonts (selection)

  • Marii reformatori şi Biserica Ortodoxă. Contribuţii la tipologia relaţiilor luterano- ortodoxe din secolul al XVI-lea . Editura Sophia, Bucureşti 2003, ISBN 973-8207-57-6 .
  • Metodologia cercetării ştiinţifice în teologia istorică . Editura Sophia, Bucureşti 2005, ISBN 9789737740403 .
  • David Chytraeus (1530–1600) as explorer and rediscoverer of the Eastern Churches. His relationships with Orthodox theologians, his research into the Eastern Churches and his knowledge of Eastern Churches . VVB Laufersweiler Verlag, Wettenberg 2006, ISBN 3-8359-5014-2 .
  • Identități creștine europene în dialog. De la mişcarea husită la ecumenismul contemporan ( Studia Oecumenica , 3). Editura Universității Lucian Blaga, Sibiu 2010, ISBN 6061200056 .
  • Cred, mărturisesc și aștept viața veșnică. O istorie teologică a Simbolului Niceo-Constantinopolitan . Editura Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, București 2013, ISBN 606849506X .

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