Daniel Gribner

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Daniel Gribner (born August 31, 1645 in Leipzig ; † January 6, 1685 ibid) was a German Protestant theologian .


Daniel Gribner was a son of the German lawyer and councilor Zacharias Griebner (1601-1659). He studied in Leipzig and Wittenberg , then stayed in Lüneburg and Hamburg and then became a substitute, then a deacon at the Nikolaikirche in Leipzig . In this position he acquired the degree of licentiate in theology.

He wrote the following works:

  • Mirror of a salutary repentance and conversion of a sinner to God , Leipzig 1683
  • Christian thoughts of death or 30 sermons about the temporal death of man
  • Contemplation of the other and eternal death in 24 sermons , Leipzig 1683
  • Funeral sermons

These writings were published together under the title Geistiges Schriften (Leipzig 1724). In addition, Gribner published:

  • Dissertatio de cyclo lunari , 1665
  • Dissertatio de characteribus pseudo-prophetarum ad Jerem. XIV, 14 , 1678

Of his sons, Michael Heinrich Gribner (1682–1734) was a German legal scholar and Johann Sigismund Gribner (1683–1742) was a preacher at the New Church in Leipzig.
