Daniel J. Conley

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Daniel Joseph Conley (born May 6, 1954 in Galveston County , Texas ) is an American geologist. He is a professor at Lund University .


Conley received a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Tulane University in 1979 , a master's degree in environmental science from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay in 1983 and a PhD in chemical oceanography from the University of Michigan , Ann Arbor in 1987 .


He gained fame with his work on eutrophication , hypoxia and anoxia (Engl. Deoxygenation ) in the seas, in particular to "dead zones" in the Baltic Sea . Together with colleagues, including Jacob Carstensen , he was able to examine the oxygen-poor zones in the Baltic Sea caused by overfertilization by measuring water columns and thereby show dramatic developments that arise from the interplay between global warming and nutrient inputs. He assumes that the only realistic option for the recovery of the Baltic Sea is a significant reduction in nutrient inputs.


Individual evidence

  1. Familytree
  2. https://www.geologi.lu.se/sites/geologi.lu.se/files/conley_short_cv_sept_2017.pdf
  3. Orcid00-0001-9668-9284
  4. ^ J. Carstensen, JH Andersen, BG Gustafsson, DJ Conley: Deoxygenation of the Baltic Sea during the last century. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Volume 111, 2014, p. 5628, doi : 10.1073 / pnas.1323156111 .