Daniel Smutny

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Daniel Smutny (* 1976 in Mannheim ) is a German composer .


Smutny gained recognition for his compositional work at an early age. After winning competitions for young composers, he studied with Hans Zender and Bernhard Kontarsky at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts (HfMDK Frankfurt) from 1996 to 2001 .

After his studies he lived as a freelance composer in Berlin, Munich and Leipzig. From 2009 he also worked as a freelance curator, festival director and artistic director for the Festspielhaus Hellerau and the MDR . From 2010 to 2012 he initiated, curated and directed the "New Festival for Music sinwald ". Since 2013 Daniel Smutny has been teaching composition and related theoretical subjects at the Hochschule für Musik Detmold , from 2017 also at the Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (HS-OWL) in the master's program "Audiovisual Arts Computing" and from 2018 also at the Hochschule für Künste Bremen (HfK Bremen) Composition.


Smutny's musical oeuvre is characterized by a multi-layered search for hybrid identity and intellectual-historical localization. His works have been stylistically very different in recent years, which the composer regards as a genuine, authentic artistic thematization. For several years, vocal music has been a focus of his work in addition to the electro-acoustic expansion of instrumental ensembles in special spatial sound plays.

For some years now, Smutny has been working intensively on the integration of heterogeneous means in a deconstructivist reception of musical stories, which he reads critically in the context of digitization, recharges them with personal meaning and the aspects of the surroundings, the conflicts of origin and origin of the past Music, with which he deals critically and reflective, is the theme. For him, a performative re-description of the liveness of performances in general, the representation of extra -musical content and media content through an individual aesthetic of sampling in particular and an active culture of remembrance (in the sense of Aleida Assmann ) are at the center of his artistic intention. Smutny has been associated with musical postmodernism , whereas the composer always emphasizes his location in the “media explosion of the 1990s” and sees himself rather late in the context of modernity or postmodernism (common characteristics).

Works (selection)

  • periplus for ePlayer piano (2016-) (work in progress)
  • Æon splinter (2017)
  • a- chora (2018-)
  • triads - passage du palimpseste (2013)
  • On the Wings of Song (2009)
  • Under the Firmament (2007)
  • Velouria (2005)

Honors, grants, commissioned works (selection)

  • 1996–98 Stuttgart Composition Prize, Ensemble Modern Forum, Composition Prize of the International Viola Foundation Walter Witte
  • 2001 Composition Prize of the International Biennale for New Music Hanover and the Hilliard Ensemble, commissioned by the Stuttgart State Opera
  • 2002 Composition scholarships from the Baden-Württemberg Art Foundation and the Heinrich Strobel Foundation of the SWR, Busoni Prize from the Berlin Academy of the Arts
  • 2003 BMW composition prize of "musica viva", performances at the "Ultrasound" festival of Deutschlandradio Berlin, annual grant from the Heinrich Strobel Foundation of SWR (with realization in the experimental studio of SWR Freiburg)
  • 2004 debut at the Donaueschinger Musiktage (commissioned work for a large orchestra) and the “musica viva” (“side-eye” for orchestral groups), finalist of the Weimar masterclasses, then Weimar scholarship holder, scholarship holder of the Academy of Arts and the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony
  • 2005 scholarship from the Villa-Aurora-Foundation Los Angeles, commissioned works by the AMI-Group for the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the WDR and the Klangforum Wien, performances at "ars nova" (SWR) and the Klangaktion München
  • 2006 Electronic debut "Telehors" (label normoton), commissioned production for the Hellerau festival theater
  • 2007 commissioned works for the SWR vocal ensemble ("Velouria") and for large orchestra for the series "musica-viva" of the BR ("Unter dem Firmament")
  • 2008 Commissioned work and overall artistic / scenic direction of the multimedia music theater "Sheherazade" for the Hellerau Festival Theater
  • 2009 commissioned work for the MDR symphony orchestra and the Leipzig Gewandhaus, music theater prize of the Network New Music Berlin ("operare 09"), Stuttgart composition prize (awarded for the second time)
  • 2010 world premieres of commissioned works at the "ECLAT" festival of the SWR and at the "musica-viva" of the BR
  • 2010–12 artistic director of the newly founded festival “sinwald” at MDR, WERGO portrait CD “Edition Contemporary Music” of the German Music Council
  • 2011 Commissioned by the Ernst-von-Siemens Music Foundation and the European Center for the Arts in Hellerau for a full-length music theater (“Ferne Nahe”: first performance October 2011), theater music for Thomas Dannemann's production of “The Good Man of Sezuan” at the Stuttgart State Theater
  • 2013 Performances in the Laeiszhalle (“Azorian Etudes”), at the chamber evening of the Semperoper Dresden and at the Darmstadt Spring Conference 2013, Paul Hindemith Composition Prize of the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival and “Grand Prix Tonali”, composition commissions a. a. for a full-length work for the SWR vocal ensemble and piano duo, for the German Wind Academy and for a cantata with orchestra for the St. Thomas' Choir
  • 2014 New commissioned work for the Schwetzingen Castle Festival
  • 2016 World premiere of the entire cycle “12 Songs of a Love” as the opening of the German Choir Festival and CD production (SWR) by the SWR vocal ensemble and the piano duo Tal & Groethuysen, directed by Florian Helgath

Smutny's complete works are published by the international music publishers Hans Sikorski.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. International music publishers Hans Sikorski
  2. www.daniel-smutny.de/vita
  3. https://www.daniel-smutny.de/texte/verbindungen-heute-2018
  4. Erika Fischer-Lichte: Aesthetics of the Performative . 10th edition 2017. edition suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 2004, p. 114 ff .
  5. https://www.daniel-smutny.de/texte/neue-historische-musik
  6. https://www.daniel-smutny.de/werke