Daniel Staehelin

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Daniel Staehelin (* 1960 ) is a Swiss legal scholar .

education and profession

Staehelin studied at the Universities of Basel and Neuchâtel . He earned a doctorate at Frank Vischer and in 1988 a doctorate . Since 1999 he has been teaching debt collection and bankruptcy law at the University of Basel. In 2005 he was appointed adjunct professor for debt collection and bankruptcy law at the University of Basel.

From 1991 he worked as a lawyer and from 1993 also as a notary in the law firm Kellerhals Carrard. Staehelin has been the bankruptcy liquidator of Banque Privée Espírito Santo, which was part of the Espirito Santo Financial Group , on behalf of FINMA since 2016 .

Staehelin is co-editor of the Basel Commentary on the Federal Law on Debt Collection and Bankruptcy . Staehelin publishes in the areas of debt collection and bankruptcy law , civil procedure law , property law , inheritance law , corporate law and securities law .


Staehelin is the son of Adrian Staehelin . He is married and lives in Basel.

Publications (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carrard Consulting SA (ed.): Circulaire no 6 à l'attention des créanciers de BPES . S. 2 ( liquidator-bpes.ch [PDF]).
  2. About the person | Law Faculty. Retrieved April 14, 2020 .