Associate Professor

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A titular professor is entitled to use the title of professor without being associated with a corresponding post. What exactly is understood by a titular professor is very different in Switzerland, Austria and Germany. The titular professor also exists in other university and higher education systems (for example in the United States : adjoint professor , in Italy : professore a contratto , in Croatia : naslovni profesor ).

Situation in Switzerland

In Switzerland , where this title is still used and widespread, the titular professor is an honorary title that is awarded by the university faculties for exceptionally qualified, internationally recognized performance in university research, including supervision of successful doctoral theses as well as a successful one university teaching. Accordingly, the conditions can differ between universities and faculties.

In most cases, e.g. B. at the ETH Zurich, a previously submitted habilitation thesis with "Venia Legendi" is required for the award of a titular professorship, which has been officially recognized by the faculty and the university rectorate as a highly qualified scientific work. However, the title of titular professor does not entail any entitlement to a chair . As a rule, however, this is associated with a teaching obligation of at least two to four semester hours per week and, in many cases, the granting of basic internships, especially in the experimental subjects. There are individual differences between the cantons, e.g. B. as regards the continuation of the title after leaving the university. The owners can be lecturers from inside or outside the university. Lecturers from within the university will generally continue to be paid according to their previous position, while lecturers from outside are expected to be offered the teaching duties free of charge - if necessary, a lump sum for travel expenses etc. will be paid. The "amortization" should take place here by using the title in the respective professional environment.

Situation in Austria

In Austria , the designation titular professor is common for people who have been awarded the professional title of university professor by the Federal President . The term titular professor also rarely refers to people who have been given the professional title of professor by the Federal President.

As with all professional titles, no further right is associated with the title, except the right to use the title and to be named with it in official pronouncements. In particular, the title awarded by the Federal President never relates to a specific college or university.

If this professional title is awarded to civil servants, it is possible that the official title of the civil servant and a professional title awarded by the Federal President coincide. In practice, the professional title is sometimes preceded by a tit. distinguished from an official title. For example, in Ao. Univ.-Prof. tit. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Max Mustermann Ao. Univ.-Prof. the official title of the civil servant and the one preceded by a tit. marked Univ.-Prof. the professional title awarded by the Federal President.

Previously, in addition to the professional titles of university professor and professor, there was also the professional title of extraordinary university professor, but the latter has not been re-awarded since 1992.

A distinction must be made between the professional title and the honorary professorship . This was not awarded by the Federal President, but by an individual university and was previously regulated by federal law in Austria, most recently in Section 26 University Organization Act 1993 (UOG 1993), which expired on December 31, 2003. The University Act 2002 , which has been in full force since January 1, 2004 , no longer provides for any regulation, so the universities are now free to decide whether, under what conditions and with what legal consequences they award the title of honorary professor.

Situation in Germany and Switzerland

In Germany and Switzerland , the title of professor can, under certain circumstances, also be awarded as an honorary title to people who do not hold a professorship, for example to artists. In the federal state of Baden-Württemberg , the title of professor can be awarded to deserving citizens as a non-academic honorary title without any additions (see Professor (honorary title in Baden-Württemberg) ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Regulations of the Medical Faculty of the University of Basel ( Memento from October 20, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  2. University of Bern award guidelines
  3. Directive of the mat.-nat. Faculty of the University of Freiburg
  4. ^ Regulations of the Medical Faculty University of Zurich
  5. ↑ The President's guidelines on adjunct professors at ETH Zurich