Dannevirke (newspaper)

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Dannevirke title page, 1839

Dannevirke was a Danish daily newspaper that appeared in Hadersleben and was named after the historic Dannewerk fortress . It appeared for the first time in 1838, as the first Danish-language newspaper in the then Duchy of Schleswig . In 1975 it was finally discontinued after it was taken over by Jydske Tidende .


The newspaper was founded in 1838 by the publisher Godske Nielsen and editor Peter Christian Koch in Hadersleben, the northernmost city in what was then the Duchy of Schleswig. There it was the first Danish-language daily newspaper. In Hadersleben, she competed with the German-language newspaper Lyna . In the period that followed, the national differences between German and Danish intensified, and Dannevirke took a clearly Danish position. In the first phase of the Three Years' War for Schleswig (1848–50) it reached its first high point with a circulation of 1250 copies. Numerous Danish personalities wrote for the newspaper, including NFS Grundtvig .

After the war of 1864 the newspaper was temporarily banned by the Prussian authorities, but could appear again from 1867. It was initially unable to regain its pre-war importance. In the northern part of the country it competed with the daily newspaper Schleswigsche Grenzpost, also published in Hadersleben . Since 1903, Dannevirke appeared as a partial edition of the Modersmaalet newspaper .

After the unification of North Schleswig with Denmark in 1920 the importance of the newspaper grew again and it increasingly became the local mouthpiece of the Venstre party . In 1938 Modersmaalet was finally merged with Dannevirke, with the name Dannevirke being expanded to include the complete edition. The printing works on Haderslebener Klostergang, where books were also produced, kept the name Modersmaalets Officin .

In 1972 the larger newspaper Jydske Tidende , based in Kolding, took over the newspaper Dannevirke. Three years later this was finally shut down, as were other local newspapers in the region that Jydske Tidende had taken over. Since then, only one local edition of JydskeVestkysten has appeared in Hadersleben .


  • René Rasmussen: HR Hjort Lorenzen og Dannevirke. Aabenraa 1994.