Danny Sorensen

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Danny Chris Sorensen (* 1947 ) is an American mathematician who studies numerical linear algebra. He is a professor at Rice University .

Sorensen studied mathematics at the University of California, Davis with a bachelor's degree in 1972 and at the University of California, San Diego with a master's degree in 1975 and a doctorate with James Bunch in 1977 ( Updating the Symmetric Indefinite Factorization with Applications in a Modified Newton's Method ). He then went to the Argonne National Laboratory before becoming a professor at Rice University in Houston .

He developed the software package Arpack (the name stands for Arnoldi Package) for calculating the eigenvalues ​​and eigenvectors of very large linear equation systems. It is based on an advanced Arnoldi method and Lanczos method (called Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method (IRAM) and Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Method (IRLM)) and was developed by Sorenson and colleagues at the Argonne National Laboratory in the 1990s.


  • with RB Lehoucq, C. Yang: ARPACK's User Guide , SIAM 1998.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Danny Sorensen in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used