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Daphnephoria ( ancient Greek Δαφνηφορία ) were a festival in ancient Greece in honor of the god Apollon Ismenios , which was celebrated in a cycle of eight years in Thebes in Boeotia .


The main part of the festival consisted of a procession to Ismenion outside the city of Thebes, the top of which was an ephebe , from which both parents had to live. He was accompanied by a close relative who carried a stick made of olive tree wood called a kopo ( κωπώ ), adorned with bay leaves and flowers and wrapped with purple and crocus-colored ribbons. At the top of the kopo was an iron ball from which other smaller balls hung. Behind them the youthful priest of Apollon Ismenios, the Daphnephoros , walkedwho was dressed in rich costume. Behind this followed a choir of virgins. Both the priest and the virgin choir wore laurels ( δαφνή ), the virgins performed a song called Daphnephorikon .

A sanctuary called Daphnephorion was also located in the Attic Demos Phlya , which is why the celebration of the festival is also assumed in Athens .


Daphnephoria , Frederic Leighton , 1876

The dapnephoria were taken up in an imaginative neoclassical painting by the painter Frederic Leighton in 1876 .



  1. Pausanias 9:10 , 4 .
  2. ^ Proclus in Photios 239.
  3. Theophrast in Athenaios 424.
  4. Ludwig Deubner : Attic festivals . Heinrich Keller, Berlin 1932, p. 202.