Dario Barrio

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Dario Barrio (2009)

Darío Barrio Domínguez (born December 11, 1972 in Madrid , † June 6, 2014 in Segura de la Sierra , Jaén ) was a Spanish chef . He became known through his numerous appearances on television.


Barrio ran the celebrity bar dASSA BASSA in Madrid .

Barrio died in 2014 in an object jump accident with a wing suit during the El Yelmo festival . Barrios appearance was intended as a tribute to the TV presenter Álvaro Bultó , who had died the year before under similar circumstances.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b wit / dpa: Spain: Star chef Darío Barrio had a fatal accident during base jumping. In: Spiegel Online . June 7, 2014, accessed May 2, 2020 .
  2. Muere el cocinero Dario Barrio. In: abc.es. June 6, 2014, accessed May 2, 2020 (Spanish).