Dark (TV series) / Season 2

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Season 2 of Dark
Dark logo.png
Episodes 8th
Country of production Germany
Initial release June 21, 2019 on Netflix
◀   Season 1 Season 3   ▶
Episode list

The second season of the German television series Dark was added to the program of the Netflix streaming portal on June 21, 2019. The extension of the series Dark for a second season was announced on December 20, 2017. Filming in Berlin started on June 25, 2018.


Due to the coherent, progressive storyline, the events in the various time levels are shifted from the first season to the respective subsequent years, i.e. 1954, 1987 and 2020. In contrast, the storylines that are new in 1921 and in the period after the apocalypse, i.e. 2053, are new. play. Each of the episodes here represents a day before the apocalypse.

Pedigree of the central families Doppler, Tiedemann, Kahnwald and Nielsen at the end of the second season. Dashed lines indicate adoptive relationships.


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Original title Initial release Director script
11 1 Beginnings and ends June 21, 2019 Baran bo Odar Jantje Friese & Daphne Ferraro
Young Noah and a comrade are part of a group of time travelers who call themselves Sic mundus (from Sic mundus creatus est , Latin for This is how the world was created ). In 1921 they created the already well-known portal in the Windener Höhlen, after which Noah murdered his friend with a pickaxe. The group is headed by Adam, an old man with a scarred face, who acts as the main antagonist of the second season. Another member, the elder Noah, receives the order from him to obtain the missing pages from Claudia Tiedemann's diary so that Sic mundus can prepare for the apocalypse on June 27, 2020. While a new face is entering the city with Inspector Clausen, the head of the newly founded special commission for missing persons, Katharina Nielsen is still looking for Ulrich and Mikkel. Aleksander Tiedemann orders the transport of a large number of barrels to the nuclear power plant site, which are to be hidden in the cooling pool ; so far, the barrels have been stored in a truck in the same parking lot as Bernadette's caravan. In addition, the power plant is about to be shut down for good. The older Jonas reveals himself to his mother Hannah and tries to explain the circumstances to her. His younger self is captured by a group of survivors led by Elisabeth Doppler in 2053. Despite the warnings, Jonas goes to the former power station, now a “death zone”, and discovers an amorphous sphere floating in the air in the cooling pool .
12 2 Dark matter June 21, 2019 Baran bo Odar Jantje Friese & Ronny Schalk
In 1987, Mikkel continued to try to get used to his new life with Ines as his foster mother. While AKW boss Claudia is visited by her older self and informed about the possibility of time travel, her now retired father Egon is full of doubts about Ulrich's culprit and his arrest. He is diagnosed with cancer and seeks Ulrich, whose identity he still does not know and who has been in a psychiatric clinic since his arrest 34 years ago. In 2020, Clausen and Charlotte Doppler will again question Regina Tiedemann, who is suffering from cancer, through whom they will receive more information about the older Jonas, who was a brief guest in their hotel. Charlotte comes into possession of a few pages from the book of her grandfather HG Tannhaus, with whom she grew up. The older Jonas and Hannah travel back in time and see Mikkel in the version of their house from that time. The younger Jonas learns from tape recordings of Claudia's discovery of the god particle on the site of the power station in the 80s. Before he can use the generator of the time travel portal in the cooling pool with the help of stolen fuel from a tank, he is stopped and hanged by Elisabeth, but at the last moment he is freed from the noose and imprisoned again by a shot from her rifle, which cuts the rope. A girl from Elisabeth's group frees him and lets him show her the portal that Jonas then uses.
13 3 Ghosts June 21, 2019 Baran bo Odar Jantje Friese & Marc O. Seng
After building a new time machine, Helge returns home from Noah's care in 1954, but does not want to talk to anyone. Doris Tiedemann and Agnes Nielsen have now grown closer and sleep together. It turns out that Agnes was also a member of Sic mundus and Noah is her brother. However, she is now working to help old Claudia. When Agnes Noah reveals that old Claudia is carrying the torn pages from the diary with her, she hopes to be taken back to the circle. Noah shoots old Claudia, takes the book pages and is surprised at their content. He tells Adam that Claudia didn't have the pages with her.

Ulrich reveals his true identity to Egon in the institution and attacks the pensioner when he shows him a picture of Mikkel. Claudia from 1954 arrives in 2020 and is dismayed by the fate of her terminally ill daughter.

14th 4th The travellings ones June 21, 2019 Baran bo Odar Jantje Friese & Martin Behnke
Jonas lands in 1921 and meets the farmer's children Noah and Agnes. However, since the portal is not yet open, it cannot travel to 2020. The older Noah introduces Jonas to Adam, who turns out to be the old version of Jonas and who has been scars from intensive time travel. While the older Jonas and Hannah were able to convince Charlotte and Peter Doppler of the time travel in Helges Bunker in 2020, the angry and desperate Katharina initially believed not a word. Claudia from 1954, who traveled to 2020, learns of the death of her sick father from a newspaper article in the local library; she returns to her time to prevent it. Magnus, Martha, Franziska and their sister want to look in the cave for clues as to why their parents are behaving so strangely or why they disappear. There they meet Bartosz, who carries a time machine with him, but withholds the function of the device from the others, which is why he is left tied up in the caves.
15th 5 About searching and finding June 21, 2019 Baran bo Odar Jantje Friese & Ronny Schalk
Adam wins the trust of his younger self, Jonas, in 1921 and explains to the boy that there is a loophole that can help change the past. With the help of a new portal, with which any time can be reached, Jonas is to travel to 2019 and prevent Michael Kahnwald's suicide there. Claudia wants her father to move in with her in 1987, but has only moderate success because she does not want to mention his approaching death. Meanwhile, Ulrich manages to escape from the institution and seeks out Mikkel. He understands that the 33-year-old man with the long white hair is his father. When Ines notices the absence, she calls Egon. Ulrich and Mikkel come to the cave, but are stopped there by Egon and other policemen and separated from each other again. The elder Jonas visits the Nielsen house in 2020 and places a necklace with a pendant on Martha's pillow. Charlotte hopes to find out who her real parents were. Suddenly Noah shows up in Tannhaus' shop and reveals to her that he is her father.
16 6th An infinite circle June 21, 2019 Baran bo Odar Jantje Friese & Martin Behnke
On the day before Michael's death in 2019, Jonas drove with his friends to a bathing lake, at the same time Jonas, who was about 1 year older, arrived at the same time. Mikkel, who is driven to the doctor by his parents and goes to the toilet in the Kahnwald's house, meets Michael, on whom this encounter leaves traces. At the lake, Franziska Magnus reveals herself naked without any feelings of shame. In the presence of Martha, Jonas finds the pendant in the sand that Martha finds on her pillow a year later (see previous episode). After Jonas drove home, the time-traveling one year older Jonas takes his place and kisses Martha. This enables Jonas from 2019 to sleep with the girl at Ulrich's and Katharina's wedding anniversary party. Hannah and Ulrich are already beginning to revive their old feelings and come very close in the rain, while Katharina is lying in bed next to her sick son. The time traveler Jonas visits his father, who did not go to the party, and first tells him not to kill himself. The latter, however, had no intention of doing so. Together they find out that it was only after Jonas' visit that Michael learned how to phrase his farewell letter. Old Claudia joins them and explains that the logical consequence of Mikkels' journey through time must be Michael's death in 2019, since without him Jonas, who plays an important role in the cycle, would otherwise not exist. She knows an alternative reality without Jonas and that is not a solution either. In 1921, an adult version of Magnus and an as yet undisclosed woman also emerge as members of the circle.
17th 7th The white devil June 21, 2019 Baran bo Odar Jantje Friese & Marc O. Seng
Police officer Egon found out in 1954 that the unidentified woman's corpse, Claudia, had been exposed to a dangerous dose of radiation. In a conversation with the police officer, little Helge identifies her as the “white devil”, but claims that she was not abducted by her. While the older Jonas is sleeping in 2020, Hannah is traveling with his time machine in 1954. At the police station, she asks Egon, pretending to be Katharina Nielsen, to take her to the prisoner Ulrich, whose picture she knows from the newspaper and who look like her husband. This drives her to the psychiatry. There she asks Ulrich whether he loves her and whether he would choose her or Katharina. Desperate Ulrich pretends to still love her and to want to leave his family for her should she help him escape the clinic. But Hannah leaves the crying and screaming man behind because she doesn't trust him and his feigned feelings towards her. In 1987 Claudia visits her father again and finally wants to bring him home to save him from imminent death. Egon has the caves in his sights and a vague idea of ​​the possibility of time travel, but his daughter keeps a low profile. When Egon tries to send his old colleagues to the caves by phone, a dispute breaks out over the receiver, in the course of which the old man loses his balance, hits the edge of the table and dies on the floor. Egon recognizes Claudia, who is still dying and who first wants to call the emergency services, but then hangs up again, the "white devil" mentioned by young Helge. Back at her house, she receives a visit from the time-traveling Jonas, who was sent by her older self to change the course of things with her. In 2020 Martha meets the older Jonas, whom she finally recognizes. But suddenly her mother appears and tells her furiously that she should stay away from this man, her nephew and Mikkel's son. At the station, Clausen confronts Aleksander, who before his marriage to Regina had the same name as Clausen's missing brother - Aleksander Köhler. An anonymous letter brought the investigator to Winden and on the trail of Aleksander, whom he accuses of identity theft. This is put in a cell.
18th 8th Ends and Beginnings June 21, 2019 Baran bo Odar Jantje Friese & Daphne Ferraro
On the day of the apocalypse, Bartosz gives his mother, Regina, a photo he has received from old Claudia, showing mother and daughter in the 80s. In 1987 the older Claudia and Jonas gave themselves to the caves with a time machine. Claudia learns that the old self had told Jonas how he could save the world that Adam wanted to rebuild. With a new search warrant, investigator Clausen and a few other police officers will drive to the nuclear power plant in 2020. Wöller confesses to his colleague Charlotte that he was involved in transporting the waste to the power plant and they go to the site because they fear that the discovery of the material could be the trigger for the approaching apocalypse. In 1921, Noah realizes that Adam had only used him and wants to destroy the world. When Noah tries to shoot the old man, however, the gun does not fire because, according to Adam, "it is not his fate" to die now. Adam explains that Charlotte, Noah's and Elisabeth's daughter, is also Elisabeth's mother. Agnes takes the pistol and shoots her brother. Jonas and Claudia manage to link the future and the past in the caves with the help of the portal. Back at his parents' house in 2020, he meets Martha, who is shot shortly afterwards by Adam, who in turn has traveled through time. At the nuclear power plant, Clausen orders the bottom of the sealed cooling pool to be broken open, but the barrels buried in it contain only rock. In the years 2053 and 1921, the machine that nourishes the sphere is activated “at the same time”. In connection with the opening of the portal in the caves by Katharina, the dark matter contained in the barrels "wakes up" , which means that Charlotte and future Elisabeth can see and touch each other. This process ultimately triggers the apocalypse. While a huge black veil covers the winds, a second Martha suddenly enters the Kahnwald's house. She reveals herself to Jonas, who is mourning the other Martha, as a person from another world and has a more advanced time machine. Both go away. Magnus, Bartosz and Franziska are saved by the elder Jonas at the last second by traveling to another time. In Doppler's bunker, Peter and Elisabeth Doppler, Claudia and Regina Tiedemann and the time-traveled young Noah from 1921 save themselves.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Dark", Season 2: When does it start, what is it about and what does the trailer show? In: Augsburger Allgemeine . June 18, 2019, accessed June 19, 2019 .
  2. "Dark": First German Netflix series continues. In: Spiegel Online . SPIEGELnet GmbH, December 20, 2017, accessed on December 20, 2017 .
  3. Dark: Season 2. Retrieved March 15, 2019 .