The gateway to Stephen King's Dark Tower I – IV

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The gateway to Stephen King's Dark Tower I – IV (original title: Stephen King's The Dark Tower: A Concordance, Volume I ) describes a concordance published in 2003 that deals with the first four volumes of the Dark Tower cycle .


Out of King's research difficulties in the context of his work on the tower saga, Robin Furth's Concordance with the title The Gate to Stephen King's Dark Tower I – IV was created , which saved the writer a lot of research and, according to Stephen King, due to their quality in the 2003 as a companion work to the Dark Tower (Volumes 1-4) was published. In Germany, the work was published as a paperback by Heyne Verlag in April 2004 .

Another concordance (for volumes 5–7) appeared on the American book market on March 15, 2005; the German publication, after several postponements, was also published in May 2008 by Heyne Verlag. A complete edition (volumes 1–7) appeared in the USA on December 5, 2006.


Robin Furth has summarized all the worlds, locations and characters of the first four volumes in order to create a quick reference work for all interested readers. A detailed and informative foreword by Stephen King himself is followed by an introduction by the author. Then all figures from A – Z are listed and described. Exact page numbers can be found under the articles. After the figures, the places in the middle world and in our world follow. In the back of the book the magical portals and locations are listed. This is followed by an extensive appendix with technical terms from the Middle World, rhymes, songs, etc. The author does not limit herself to the first four volumes, but also refers to other works by Stephen King. The illustrated map of the path from Roland and later the entire Ka-Tet through the mid-world to Blaine the Mono should be of particular importance for fans.
