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Dasani brand logo

Dasani is the brand name of a table water of the Coca-Cola Company , which consists of tap water is produced.


Dasani is not natural mineral water with a natural mineral content, but drinking water in the form of tap water , which has been artificially enriched with minerals. The bottled water is also offered in different flavors (lemon, strawberry, raspberry) to which aromas and sweeteners are added.

Outside the USA, Coca-Cola markets its table water under other brand names, such as Aquarius in Brazil. In Germany, Coca-Cola GmbH sold the table water Bonaqa , which was also made from tap water , until 2018 . In Switzerland, Coca-Cola has so far only offered natural mineral water under the brand name Valser .

The market launch took place in the USA in 1999 after water increasingly represented competition for the sweet beverage manufacturer, including in particular the success of the Aquafina brand from competitor PepsiCo .

United Kingdom

Dasani was launched in Great Britain and Northern Ireland on February 10, 2004 . Dasani came - as it became known there in March 2004 - from the normal drinking water network from Sidcup (in south-east London) and was enriched with minerals for standardization and taste adjustment. In 2004, the sales price of 95 pence for the 0.5-liter bottle was offset by a retail price of 0.03 pence for half a liter of tap water in Sidcup. The press department justified the more than 3000 percent surcharge with the supposedly "sophisticated cleaning process" of the water, which caused scorn and ridicule in the press and which the local waterworks countered that their tap water no longer needs to be cleaned because there are no impurities and this has been confirmed by official auditors. The UK Food Standards Agency announced an investigation into allegations that Dasani would be particularly pure because it would not be allowed with Dasani, which is fortified with calcium, magnesium and baking soda.

In contrast to Germany, where this type of water can only be sold as table water, this category does not exist in Great Britain.

In March 2004 it became known that Dasani contained an unacceptably high concentration of carcinogenic bromate , which is produced in the course of the manufacturing process when adding calcium. The manufacturer then withdrew the entire brand from the UK market.

France and Germany

The introduction of Dasani in France was planned for April 19, 2004 and Germany should follow in May 2004. In March 2004 the project was stopped at short notice and all plans for the introduction of Dasani in Europe were put on hold on the grounds that the timing was “not ideal”.


The Consumer Protection -Weltverband Consumers International has Coca-Cola on 29 October 2007 its mislabeling a negative price awarded, which is awarded for bad products because it is in Dasani, despite huge advertising promises nothing more than tap water is. In addition, the group would make a profit from a publicly accessible good, which is an irresponsible attack on the fundamental right to water.


Enriching water with additives such as minerals is viewed as unnecessary or even critical. For example, calcareous tap water is already very rich in minerals and water that is enriched with minerals is no longer necessary to drink. In the case of Dasani, the high potassium chloride content was particularly criticized. In a report by Stephen Fox published by the South Korean Seoul Times , he said that several bottles of Dasani a day could cause cardiac arrhythmias, sweating, nausea or cramps.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Embarrassing confession: Coca-Cola sells tap water in Spiegel Online from March 3, 2004
  2. Things get worse with Coke: Bottled tap water withdrawn after cancer scare in The Guardian of March 20, 2004 (English)
  3. Suspected cancer: Coca-Cola takes Dasani off the market on n-tv on March 22, 2004
  4. Despite the PR debacle: Coca-Cola wants to sell Dasani water in Germany in Spiegel Online on March 11, 2004
  5. Dasani no more: Coca-Cola withdraws still water from Europe in Süddeutsche Zeitung from March 25, 2004
  6. ^ Annoying article in taz from October 30, 2007
  7. Coco-cola, Kellogg's, Mattel and Takeda Pharmaceuticals top the list of international brands guilty of abusing consumer rights ( Memento of the original from October 30, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.consumersinternational.org
  8. Ghosts from the bottle in taz of January 22, 2005
  9. What Does Coca Cola's Dasani Bottled Water Have in Common with Death by Lethal Injection? in Seoul Times on October 4, 2007