Reception (art)

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Reception (from Latin receptio , recording) describes in art the understanding reception of a work by the recipient ( viewer , reader or listener). The term encompasses diverse ways of perceiving and processing works and ranges from reading and understanding the individual to the reactions of critics , the cultural sector and the public.

The aesthetic reception question is based on the openness of the meaning and meaning offered by a work of art and “tries to understand the history of literature and the arts [...] as a process of aesthetic communication”. It is only under the recipient's horizon, which varies according to expectations, education and understanding, that a work becomes meaningful for the viewer, reader or listener, and meaning becomes manifest. The openness of the work of art, as well as the new conditions resulting from cultural and social developments, therefore always give the task and opportunity to understand a work of past or contemporary art and to incorporate it into one's own interpretative context.

Innovative contemporary art has at all times been able to arouse public rejection because it failed to meet expectations with regard to execution techniques, modes of representation, viewing habits, types of use or moral views. In general, such negative reactions on the part of the recipients depend on the traditional forms identified, their evaluation and the perceived discrepancy to the expectations formed. They range from carelessness towards a work to its destruction, and it is not uncommon for them to vary according to social class.

The development of an artist's reception is based on the one hand on the changes of the recipients and their changing norms of expectation, on the other hand on the changes of the artist himself.

In the art reception , an artist consciously takes on artistic ideas, work forms and styles from past art eras. The formal and content- related interpretation of a work by an art historian examines it in its relationship to other works that were created at the same or a different time or epoch .

The concept of art reception is also used for the way in which works are received by the public. Here, too, changes in the viewing, reading or listening recording of a work can be determined in the course of history and characterized by preferred features. The change, i.e. the current artistic perception and judgment of the viewer, listener or reader, has repercussions. Not only on the artist himself as a contemporary, but also on the subsequent evaluation of artists, individual works or artistic styles. Therefore, for a history of reception, it is necessary to research the different forms of aesthetic consciousness using contemporary sources and to compare time-bound norms in order to be able to understand their development from today's perspective.

For literary reception , the example of Latin American literature in German-speaking countries - which was only received by other circles after the Second World War , initiated in particular by the Borges reception in France - was highlighted as essential mediating instances of the reception process: translators, literary agents, lecturers, cultural mediators , Literary scholar, literary critic.

See also


See also the information in the article Reception Aesthetics

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Volker Meid (Ed.): Terms, Realities, Methods. In: Walther Killy (Ed.): Literaturlexikon , Volume 14. Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag, Gütersloh / Munich 1993, ISBN 3-570-04714-8 , p. 288.
  2. Joachim Ritter, Karlfried founder (Hrsg.): Historical dictionary of philosophy. (Volume 8). Schwabe & Co Ag, Basel 1992, p. 995
  3. Diana von Römer and Friedhelm Schmidt-Welle: Foreword , in: Latin American Literature in German-speaking Countries , edited by Diana von Römer and Friedhelm Schmidt-Welle. Vervuert, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-86527-318-5 , pp. 7-15, p. 8.