Database Publishing

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Database publishing is usually mentioned as a comprehensive term in the field of database-supported automated media production. A typical application is the creation of price lists and catalogs.

The basic idea is to transfer database content such as item number and price information to an openly designed layout document so that it can be changed in the event of changes, e.g. B. prices, updated automatically.

The most important layout programs that can be used for this application are Adobe FrameMaker , InDesign and QuarkXPress , supported by extensions (plug-ins or XTensions) from other manufacturers. Further variants of database publishing provide for the “rendering” of content in a directly printable PDF output. There is a rapidly increasing tendency to use this process as remote publishing via a web browser . In this way, even complex documents up to extensive catalogs can be generated fully automatically.

Most systems use a template-based approach in which, as it were, templates of the pages are filled with the database contents - the pages contain markings that are replaced by the desired data. The alternative is a rule-based layout approach, such as that offered by XSL-FO or DocScape . Instead of templates, layout rules (similar to the corporate design manual ) are described there.

The current layout programs offer XML interfaces for this type of application , which can be adapted to special requirements using script programming. This includes the scripting languages AppleScript , JavaScript and Visual Basic .NET .

Most layout programs can also be put in a position to deal with database content using third-party software. These are plugins for Adobe InDesign and XTensions for Quark XPress. The vast majority of these extensions use ASCII texts, such as B. Tab texts or CSV formats.

Template-based publishing approach

The template-based publishing approach of database publishing for the automatic generation of documents works in a similar way to the procedure for creating a form letter .

Using a layout program templates (are templates ) designed for the desired pages which include a placeholder for the from a database to be loaded elements. These are firmly positioned on the side template in the form of text or picture boxes.

The advantage of this approach is that corresponding templates can be created very easily and with the tools commonly used in the DTP environment. The disadvantage is that post-processing is usually necessary.

The effort of this work step depends on the complexity of the layout: If the same templates can be laid across all pages, the effort is almost zero. If, on the other hand, the pages are unique or differ structurally, the effort is considerable. In this case, the rule-based layouting approach is preferable.

See also


  • Gerhard Kirchner: Practical application of product information management in single-source publishing - automatic generation of catalogs, price lists and internet shops, expert verlag, Renningen 2010, ISBN 978-3-8169-2897-3

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