Davey Jones

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David "Davey" Jones (* around 1888 in Lutcher , Louisiana ; † around 1953) was an American jazz saxophonist, trumpeter and multi-instrumentalist of New Orleans jazz .

Around 1910 he played in a brass band in his hometown and soon after in the Storyville neighborhood of New Orleans . From 1918 to 1921 he was in the orchestra of Fate Marable on the Mississippi steamer SS Capitol. He played the trumpet there. There was also Louis Armstrong , whom he taught to read music. In 1921 he played with King Oliver in California and in 1922 with the Record Breakers of RQ Dickerson . Then he was with Dickerson in the Bostonians of Wilson Robinson and then Andrew Preer , who played at the Cotton Club in New York City. In 1925 they recorded under the name Cotton Club Orchestra. He then returned to New Orleans, where he led his own band in the Pelican Dance Hall, played with William Ridgley's Tuxedo Orchestra and directed the Astoria Hot Eight with Lee Collins . He recorded with them in 1929, playing the saxophone.

He was, who is also a multi-instrumentalist Mellophon , French horn played (French Horn), percussion and saxophone. According to Danny Barker's memories , the mellophone and french horn were his favorite instruments, on which he also improvised - which at that time was mostly only used by clarinetists in bands. He was also well versed in harmony and played strange changes on the mellophone. He was also a role model for Armstrong.

He also taught young Joe Newman , who later played for Count Basie .

Lexical entry

Individual evidence

  1. Date of death according to Rough Guide, sometimes Los Angeles is given as 1956