David Silk

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Robert David Silk (born August 23, 1936 ) is a former Anglican Bishop of Ballarat in Australia.


He went to Gillingham Grammar School , University of Exeter and St Stephen's House, Oxford . He was ordained in 1960. His first jobs were the parish at St Barnabas' Gillingham and Holy Redeemer's Lamorbey and he was a priest at Good Shepherd's Blackfen . Prior to becoming Bishop of Ballarat from 1994 to 2003, he was Archdeacon of Leicester.

On his return to England he became an assistant bishop in the Diocese of Exeter.

He is one of five Anglican bishops who left the Anglican Church and entered the Roman Catholic Church and became Pope Benedict XVI. Anglicanorum coetibus assumed. He was made a deacon on February 15, 2011 at Buckfast Abbey by Hugh Christopher Budd , Bishop of Plymouth , and a priest on February 18, 2011 for that by Pope Benedict XVI. Founded Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham ordained. On June 21, 2012 he was by Benedict XVI. Appointed Chaplain of Honor to His Holiness .

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