David Zwi Schlomo Bidermann

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David Zwi Schlomo Bidermann's gravestone on the Mount of Olives

Raw David Zvi Shlomo Bidermann , Admor of Lelov , (born 1844 in Lelów , Poland;. D 1918 /5 Elul 5678 in Jerusalem ) was a rabbi in Jerusalem at the time of the First World War and one of the leaders of Hasidic Judaism . He was director of Kolel Warsaw, and in 1883 he succeeded his father as Lelover Rebbe.


Lelov-Hasidim during the pilgrimage to the graves of the dynasty's founder and Elasar Mendel Bidermann in Lelów

At the age of seven he came to Eretz Israel with his father Elasar Mendel and his grandfather, who were both admorim of Lelov . When his father died in 1883, he succeeded him in his office, became Admor and had to lead the Lelover Hasidut. In addition to his duties as Admor, he was the head of Kolel Polin, was one of the founders of Chaje Olam- Jeschiwa and was the founder of Bate Warsaw.

At the age of 74, he developed severe pneumonia from which he eventually died. He had asked that after his death he should be subjected to the four death sentences of Bet Din and that no titles or praise be written on his tombstone.

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  • Lucja Morawska: Lelov: cultural memory and a Jewish town in Poland. Investigating the identity and history of an ultra-orthodox society . University of Bradford. School of Social and International Studies, 2012, p. 166-173 (English, digitized version ).