De institutione clericorum

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The work De institutione clericorum ("From the training of the clergy", "Textbook for prospective clergy") comes from the important Carolingian scholar, Fulda abbot and Mainz archbishop Rabanus Maurus (around 780-856) and is an early work by the "Teacher of Germania", his “pastoral liturgical manual”.

The work is based on the “Christian teaching” of Augustine († 430), on the pastoral manual of Pope Gregory the Great (590–604) and on the “ecclesiastical offices” and the etymologies of Isidore of Seville († 636). As can be seen from the preface, it is divided into three books:

  • 1st book: Church offices, priestly garb; Baptism, Eucharist, Mass.
  • Book 2: Liturgy of the Liturgy of the Hours; Fasting, confession and penance; Church festivals, readings, singing; catholic faith.
  • 3rd book: Holy Scriptures; pagan-ancient tradition; Sermon.

The work had the status of a pedagogical code and is considered the first theory of a complete spiritual education. Maurus described the spirit of love as the central prerequisite for guiding the soul , because without true devotion neither the ability to learn and wisdom nor the purity of change that the ideal teacher unites in himself are possible. Just as important, however, is the discipline to be enforced by all means , which is based on the same obedience that also comes first in the rule of the order , although brute force and terrorist discipline are to be rejected.


  • Hrabanus Maurus: De institutione clericorum = On the instruction of the clergy . Trans. And included. by Detlev Zimbel. 2 vol. In: Fontes Christiani vol. 61/1 and 61/2. Turnhout 2006
  • Stephanie Haarländer : Rabanus Maurus. A reader with an introduction to his life and work , Mainz 2006
  • Hans-Jürgen Kotzur (ed.): Rabanus Maurus. In the footsteps of a Carolingian scholar (= exhibition catalog) , Mainz 2006

Individual proof

  1. Gustav Baur: The Christian education in its relation to Judaism and to the ancient world . In: KA Schmid, Georg Schmid (Hrsg.): History of education from the beginning to our time . 2nd volume. Cotta, Stuttgart 1892, p. 203 f . ( full online version in Google Book Search - USA )