Dedo II (Lausitz)

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Dedo († before October 26, 1069 ) was called Dedo III. Count of Wettin and from 1069 as Dedo II. Margrave of Lusatia . He came from the aristocratic Wettin family .


He was the eldest son of Margrave Dedo I and his first wife Oda, daughter of Margrave Thietmar .

Than it is to an armed conflict between his father and emperor 1069 . Henry IV came this Markgraf Dedo sat I., and the same son - who had fallen out with his father because the second of his marriage - as a new Marquis in today Niederlausitz a . However, Dedo II was murdered that same year. Medieval sources blame his stepmother Adela for this. As a result, Emperor Heinrich IV reconciled with his father Dedo I and returned the margraviate to him.

Dedo II died unmarried and childless and was buried in Meissen .

predecessor Office successor
Dedo I. Margrave of Lusatia
Dedo I.