Degenhard von Schüngel

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Degenhard von Böckenförde called Schüngel (* around 1372 , † 1440 ) was a member of the Westphalian noble family Böckenförde called Schüngel . He is mentioned as a feudal lord of Neheim , Övinghausen and Echthausen .


Degenhard von Schüngel is the (presumably) eldest son of Albert von Schüngel from his marriage to his first wife, whose name is unknown. In 1407 he was appointed to Wocklum with the court belonging to Heinrichenburg Castle , and in 1409 by the Archbishop of Cologne, Friedrich III. von Saar are enfeoffed at Poppelsdorf Castle in Bonn with the castle fief of Neheim and the tithe and land in Echthausen ad Ruhr. Also in 1409 he took on a guarantee for Cordt v. Ense. In 1410 and 1420 he was the lords of Ense's misconduct against the city of Paderborn . In 1420 Degenhard was sworn in to Drosten's office by the local mayor Everd Turken after his appointment as Drosten zu Werl . In 1421 the inheritance of his deceased father and in 1423 a sale of land in Neheim to his nephew and later Livonian Teutonic Order Master Heidenreich is documented. In 1424 he was named as a councilor to the Archbishop of Cologne, Dietrich von Moers .


  • H. u. R. Wasser: Contributions to the history of the family von Böckenförde called Schüngel from Westphalia, short title: Family book Schüngel. Bomlitz 1980–1986 (private print) (10 volumes)