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Deichtire [ dʴeçtʴirʴe ], Deichtine [ dʴeçtʴinʴe ], also Dechtire or Dectera is a legendary figure from the Ulster cycle in the Celtic mythology of Ireland .


Deichtire is a daughter, in other versions a sister of the king Conchobhar Mac Nessa , but also daughter of the druid Cathbad with Nessa , as well as sister Elbhas and Finncháems she is called. She is the mother of Cú Chulainn , here too there are different traditions. As the daughter of Cathbad, she disappeared one day, was found with the god Lugh and left the Ultern with a son who was raised by Finncháem, Deichtire's sister.

As the daughter (or sister) of Conchobhar, she was his charioteer, staying for one night in a farm where Lugh slept with her. The resulting child was first called Sétanta mac Sualtaim. The pregnancy is also said to have come about through swallowing a small animal. Conchobhar then married his daughter to Sualtam , the son of an elf. Here, too, the boy is raised by Finncháem.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ingeborg Clarus: Celtic myths. Man and his otherworld. Walter Verlag 1991, ppb edition Patmos Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2000, 2nd edition, ISBN 3-491-69109-5 , pp. 120 f.