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Cathbad ( Irish [ˈkaθvað] ) is a seer and druid in the Ulster cycle of the Celtic mythology of Ireland .


Cathbad is the adviser to Conchobhar Mac Nessa , the King of Ulster . As a druid he has a high position in society and is not only an advisor, but also a judge, teacher and diplomat. He has the gift of divination. In the story Longas mac nUislenn ("The Exile of the Sons of Uisliu"), Cathbad prophesied that Deirdre would be of great beauty, but would bring much suffering to Ulster.

“Screamed into your body's cave
a woman with golden curly hair,
with star-like blue eyes
the cheeks bluish-purple like the thimble,
red lips like mountain ash berries,
a woman who stirs up arguments and murder
with Ulster's chariots ... "

In the Táin Bó Cuailnge (“The Cattle Robbery of Cooley ”) Conall Cernach reports on the youthful deeds of Cú Chulainn ( Macgnímrada Con Culainn ) . Here Cathbad is said to have given the hero his final name and prophesied a glorious but short life.

Cathbad has three children, Deichtire ( Cú Chulainn's mother), Elbha ( Naoise's mother), and Finncháem (the wife of Amairgin mac Ecit Salaig and mother Conall Cernach ). According to the story Compert Conchobuir ("Conchobar's conception"), he and Nessa are said to be the father of Conchobar mac Nessa .


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See also

Individual evidence

  1. Rudolf Thurneysen : The Irish hero and king saga. Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim 1980, pp. 16-27.
  2. ^ Ingeborg Clarus: Celtic myths. Man and his otherworld. P. 120 f.