Decade to Overcome Violence

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The Decade to Overcome Violence ( English: Decade to Overcome Violence DOV) was a program of the World Council of Churches (WCC) for the ten-year period from 2001 to 2010. It called upon the member churches , committed ecumenical groups and individual Christians on, from the Christian message a culture of non-violence and non-violence to create.


The program was adopted in December 1998 at the eighth assembly of the WCC in Harare / Zimbabwe on the initiative of the German Mennonites , at the same time as the UN International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World (2001–2010).

The decade had four themes:

She was "also aware that Christians and churches, through words and deeds, have played their part in increasing violence and injustice in a world of oppression and merciless competition."

See also


  • Fernando Enns (Ed.): Decade to Overcome Violence 2001-2010. Verlag Otto Lembeck, Frankfurt am Main 2001.
  • Margot Käßmann : Overcoming violence. A decade of the World Council of Churches. Lutheran publishing house, Hanover 2002.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mennonite Peace Center. Mennonite Peace Center Berlin , accessed December 24, 2009 .