Delia Grigore

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Delia Grigore Madalina ( Romani : Deliya Grigore * 7. February 1972 in Galati , Romania ) is a Romanian anthropologist , author and Roma - activist .


Grigore studied Sanskrit and Indology at the University of Bucharest . She received a degree in Romanian and English philology from the same university in 1995. In 2002 she received her doctorate with an anthropological dissertation on Roma culture in Romania.

Since 2000, Grigore has published a number of writings on Roma culture and language. She is also president of the Amare Rromentza - ȘATRA / ASTRA association for the defense of Roma rights (as of 2018).

Grigore is a lecturer at the Institute for Foreign Languages ​​and Literature at the University of Bucharest.

Fonts (selection)

  • Siklioven i Rromani chib - Ghid de limbă și cultură rromani . Aven Amentza, Bucharest 2000.
  • Rromanipen-ul (rromani dharma) și mistica familiei . Salvați copiii, Bucharest 2001.
  • Introducere în studiul culturii tradiționale rromani - Curs de anthropologie rromani . University of Bucharest 2001.
  • Rromii: tipuri și arhetipuri identitare . In: Rromii și cultura populară română. Patrin thai iag . Aven Amentza, Bucharest 2002.
  • with Petre Petcuț and Mariana Sandu: Istoria și tradițiile minorității rromani . Sigma, Bucharest 2005.

Web links