Denise Darvall

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Denise Ann Darvall (born February 27, 1942 in South Africa , † December 3, 1967 in Cape Town ) donated the first successfully transplanted heart .

Darvall was the victim of a serious traffic accident in Cape Town on December 2, 1967 , in which her mother was also killed. She was treated in hospital with serious injuries and was diagnosed with brain death during the day . With the consent of her father Edward Darvall, her heart was then removed and inserted into the patient Louis Washkansky by a team of doctors led by Christiaan Barnard at the Groote Schur Hospital .

The operation, which lasted more than five hours, was successful; Washkansky lived with the young woman's heart for 18 days before he died of pneumonia . The heart itself is still on display in the operating room that was back then.

Darvall also had the kidneys removed, which were transplanted to 10-year-old Jonathan van Wyk. This caused a stir in what was then the apartheid state of South Africa , as Darvall was white and Van Wyk was colored ("Colored").

Individual evidence

  1. Diverse: NEON . In: Michael Ebert and Timm Klotzek (eds.): Unnecessary knowledge . Wilhelm Heyne Verlag , Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-453-60102-4 , p. 108 .