Obora depot

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The Obora depot (also known as the Obora hoard ) is a depot find of the Early Bronze Age Aunjetitz culture from Obora , a district of Chomutice in Královéhradecký kraj , Czech Republic . It dates between 2000 and 1800 BC. Most of the objects that have been preserved in the depot are now in the Nový Bydžov Museum , while other finds can be found in the Lázně Bělohrad Museum and the North Bohemian Museum of Commerce in Liberec .

Find history

The depot was discovered in the autumn of 1904 while plowing east of Obora Castle. The exact place where it was found is not known. After the discovery, an archaeological follow-up investigation was carried out by Jos. Koudelka. The depot was 40 cm deep in loamy soil. Near where it was found, the earth was red and white. Tilmann Vachta suspects that this noticeable discoloration can be explained by the effects of heat; possibly it is a burnt offering place.


The depot had been deposited in a bowl-like, bulbous ceramic vessel that was broken when found. This contained numerous bronze objects : nine marginal ridge axes , three arm cuffs , at least eight arm spirals and a chain with a rosette and a ball-headed needle . In addition, there were probably 21 bar arm rings, which mainly consist of white metal . Two of the cuffs have recently broken. The arm spirals are all broken, a total of 23 fragments. The chain originally consisted of 281 ring-shaped links. The rosette consisted of a central, domed disc, on the edge of which four rings were attached to short rods at irregular intervals. Two chain parts with 64 links each were attached to two rings. The remainder of the chain with 153 links hung from the other two rings. The needle was attached to this. This had a length of 105 m. The total weight of the chain links was 744 g.

Today in Nový Bydžov there are three axes, two broken arm cuffs, fragments of the arm spirals, two chain parts with 25 and 29 links and nine arm rings. There is one arm ring in Lázně Bělohrad and four arm rings in Liberec. The shards of the ceramic vessel had not been picked up. Six arm rings, a cuff, the remaining chain links, the rosette, the needle and seven arm rings are lost.


  • Martin Bartelheim : Studies on the Bohemian Aunjetitzer culture. Chronological and chorological investigations (= university research on prehistoric archeology. Vol. 46). Habelt, Bonn 1998, ISBN 3-7749-2867-3 (also: Berlin, Freie Universität, dissertation, 1998), p. 278.
  • Jos. Koudelka: Nález bronzů u Obory. In: Památky archaeologické a místopisné. Volume 21, Issue 5/6, 1904, pp. 421-424 ( online ).
  • Václav Moucha : Hoards from the early Bronze Age in Bohemia. Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Prague 2005, ISBN 80-86124-57-6 , pp. 133-135 ( online ).
  • Tilmann Vachta : Bronze Age hoards and their sites in Bohemia (= Berlin studies of the ancient world. Volume 33). Edition Topoi, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-9816751-2-2 , p. 228 ( online ).