Královéhradecký kraj

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Královéhradecký kraj
Hradec Králové region
coat of arms
coat of arms
Deutschland Polen Slowakei Österreich Středočeský kraj Plzeňský kraj Karlovarský kraj Ústecký kraj Liberecký kraj Královéhradecký kraj Pardubický kraj Kraj Vysočina Jihočeský kraj Jihomoravský kraj Olomoucký kraj Moravskoslezský kraj Zlínský kraj Hlavní město PrahaLocation of Královéhradecký kraj in the Czech Republic (clickable map)
About this picture
Basic data
Historic country : Bohemia
Administrative headquarters : Hradec Králové
Biggest town: Hradec Králové
ISO 3166-2 : CZ-52
Residents : 551,021 (January 1, 2019)
Population density : 115.2 inhabitants / km²
Vehicle registration number : H
Area : 4,758 km²
Expansion: North South: ? km
west-east:? km
The highest point: 1602  m nm
Deepest point:
Administrative division
Districts : 5
Municipalities : 448

The Královéhradecký kraj ( German  Königgrätzer Region ) is one of the 14 regions in the Czech Republic . The region is located in the north-east of Bohemia . The administrative seat is Hradec Králové (German Königgrätz ).

The region is divided into five districts: Hradec Králové , Jičín , Náchod , Rychnov nad Kněžnou and Trutnov .

It also includes the Giant Mountains , the Eagle Mountains and the fertile Elbe Valley . The highest mountain in the Czech Republic, the Schneekoppe (1,602 m above sea level) is located in the Giant Mountains .

The region consists of 448 municipalities and 43 cities. Small towns with up to 500 inhabitants make up 65% of all municipalities. The population density is 115 inhabitants / km² and is thus slightly lower than the national average.

In terms of cultural and natural monuments, the region is one of the richest in the republic. The most important of these are the Krkonoše National Park , the Adršpašsko-Teplické Skály National Nature Reserve near Broumov and the Orlické Mountains nature reserve . There is also a large number of small-scale nature reserves.

With around 550,800 inhabitants, the Královéhradecký kraj ranks tenth in the Czech Republic. It is shaped by agriculture and industry. The textile industry settled in the northeast. Tourism became the most important economic factor in the region.

Statistical key figures (2002)

Okres Area
Residents 1) Average age 1)
Okres Hradec Králové 0.875 163.269 43.0 101
Okres Jičín 0.887 079,493 42.7 111
Okres Náchod 0.851 110,518 42.7 078
Okres Rychnov nad Kněžnou 0.998 078,772 42.2 083
Okres Trutnov 1,147 118,752 42.7 075

1) on January 1, 2017

  • Unemployment rate (2017): 3.46%
  • Share of gross domestic product (2001): 4.7%


District Cities


Biggest cities

city Residents
(January 1, 2017)
Hradec Králové 92,929
Trutnov 30,680
After that 20,149
Jičín 16,448
Dvůr Králové nad Labem 15,839
Vrchlabí 12,502
Jaroměř 12,442
Rychnov nad Kněžnou 11.004
Nové Město nad Metují 9,517
Nová Paka 9,165
Hořice 8,601
Červený Kostelec 8,355
Broumov 7,586
Nový Bydžov 7,043
Dobruška 6,791
Kostelec nad Orlicí 6.187
Týniště nad Orlicí 6.174
Hronov 6.112
Třebechovice pod Orebem 5,750
Úpice 5,694
Chlumec nad Cidlinou 5,381
Česká Skalice 5,049


The governor (Hejtman) of the region has been the social democrat Jiří Štěpán since 2016 , who replaced his predecessor Lubomír Franc (2008-2016, ČSSD). This was preceded by the citizen democrat Pavel Bradík , who was in office from 2000 to 2008 . Štěpán heads the Council of Regions, which since 2016 has consisted of two politicians from ČSSD , ODS and KDU-ČSL . The council also includes a member of the regional party "VÝCHODOČEŠI" (Eastern Czech Republic) and TOP 09 as well as a non-party member.

The last elections to the regional parliament took place in 2016. With a voter turnout of 37.33%, ANO was the strongest party with 25.18% of the vote and received 13 of 45 seats. The Social Democrats got 13.08% to 6 votes, the Citizens Democrats 9.93% and so 5 seats. The coalition list consisting of KDU-ČSL and other regional parties achieved 9.75% (5 seats). KSČM (9.39%), STAN + VÝCHODOČEŠI (8.98%) and TOP 09 (7.74%) each received 4 seats . The SPO + SPD (5.54%) and ČPS + Změna pro Královéhradecký kraj (5.27%) each had two seats . The remaining votes were cast for parties that failed to pass the 5% hurdle .

Web links

Commons : Region Königgrätz  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. POČET OBYVATEL V OBCÍCH. Retrieved September 24, 2017 (Czech).
  2. ^ Rada Královéhradeckého kraje. Retrieved September 24, 2017 (Czech).
  3. rozdělení křesel. Retrieved September 24, 2017 (Czech).

Coordinates: 50 ° 23 '  N , 15 ° 52'  E