The friend (1754–1756)

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The friend was a moral weekly that appeared in Ansbach bei Posch between 1754 and 1756 .


The weekly was the result of a meeting of an Ansbach Circle of Friends, which included Johann Peter Uz , Johann Friedrich von Cronegk , Johann Zacharias Leonhard Junkheim , Georg Ludwig Hirsch and Johann Georg Rabe . They met in the library of Hofkammerrat Hirsch and, among other things, produced joint translations of Horace which, like the publication of the weekly, contributed to the formation of a group identity. The impulses emanating from the group were of great importance for the development of intellectual life and also as a counterpoint to the courtly society of the royal city of Ansbach.


  • Ernst Rohmer: Johann Peter Uz and the literature of the Enlightenment in Ansbach. In: Franconia. Journal for Franconian regional studies and cultural care 53 (2001), pp. 203–212.
  • The boyfriend. A weekly journal. 1754-56. 3. Edition. Ansbach: Verlag Alte Post 2005, ISBN 3-936938-02-4 . (New edition of the weekly.)

See also