The counter-attack

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The counter attack (GA) was an anti-fascist German exile magazine under the influence of the Comintern , which appeared from 1933 to 1936 initially every two weeks, then weekly in Prague , Paris and Basel . The follow-up publication was the Deutsche Volkszeitung in 1936 . The weekly newspaper of the Germans . The name was an allusion to the Gau newspaper of the Berlin NSDAP , The Attack, published by Joseph Goebbels .

The first issue of the magazine appeared in late April 1933; a fortnightly publication was announced, which was changed to weekly after a few months. The design of the title of the sheet was reminiscent of the National Socialist attack . In the imprint there were aliases. In an editorial note in the July 1, 1933 edition, it was stated that the Counter-Attack was a newspaper published and responsibly edited by Czechoslovak nationals. Willi Munzenberg was the unnamed editor in Paris, the editions were edited by Bruno Frei and Alexander Abuschwithout being named as editors-in-chief. Frei regularly received political guidelines from Kurt Funk (code name Herbert Wehner ).

In the last edition of March 14, 1936, the cessation of the counter-attack was announced without any explanation and the weekly publication of the Deutsche Volkszeitung announced.


  • Author collective, The counter-attack . In: Hanno Hardt (Ed.), Press in Exile. Contributions to the communication history of the German exile 1933–1945 . Saur, Munich / New York / London / Paris 1979, ISBN 978-3-598-02530-3 , pp. 142–152.
  • Michel Grunewald, Criticism and Political Struggle. The "counter-attack" case . In: Hélène Roussel and Lutz Winckler (eds.), Deutsche Exilpresse and France. 1933-1940 . Lang, Bern and others 1992, ISBN 978-3-261-04491-4 , pp. 237-248.
  • Angela Huss-Michel: Literary and Political Journals of Exile 1933–1945 . Metzler, Stuttgart 1987, ISBN 978-3-476-10238-6 , section: The counter-attack (1933-36) , pp. 26-29.

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Individual evidence

  1. Information is based on: Author collective, The counter attack . In: Hanno Hardt (Ed.), Press in Exile. Contributions to the communication history of the German exile 1933–1945 . Saur, Munich / New York / London / Paris 1979, ISBN 978-3-598-02530-3 , pp. 142–152.