The ghost kickboarder

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The ghost kickboarder
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radio play
Year of production Books: since 2015
Radio plays: since 2016
genre Children's series / crime thriller
consequences 8 books + riddle booklet
4 radio plays
Publisher / label Geisterkickboarder GmbH, Wetzikon / Switzerland
author Stefan Baiker

The spirits kick Boarder is a children's book - series of the Swiss author Stefan Baiker that in the self-published spirits kick Boarder GmbH appears. The corresponding radio play series is published in Swiss dialect by the same publisher.


It all began in 2014 with a bedtime story that the author Stefan Baiker told his six-year-old son. As every evening, the father had to tell stories. Father and son had spent the afternoon at a skate park, and hundreds of kickboards had rushed past Baikers. This picture stuck in his mind. Since children also love ghost stories, he didn't think twice and began to tell: "Once upon a time there was a ghost kickboarder and he protected his city!" Months later, after a lot of research, Baiker decided to write a series of children's books on the subject. According to the company, 100 books were sold a week in May 2018.


The heroes are the ghost kickboarder, a ten-year-old boy with a black eye mask and kickboard, and Samuri, a mysterious eleven-year-old girl on inline skates. Only the parents of the ghost kickboarder know that Sven and Sarah are behind the disguises. The ghost kickboarder and Samuri protect the weak and fight the criminals in their city and surroundings. The two live in Wetzikon, a small Swiss town in the Zurich Oberland. Together they take on the skull gang, repeatedly put the notorious escape king Jakob Stark behind bars and solve the trickiest cases. You fight ghosts, mummies and evil wizards and even put an end to the notorious cobra gang. Never, really never, should anyone be injured. That is the top priority of the hero team. They are supported by Tom Krause, Sven's father. He is a rocket engineer by profession and can build the best things. He made all the special equipment for the GKB team himself and is the closest advisor to the heroes of Wetzikon. From his secret center, which is housed in the basement of the Krauses family house, he helps the children wherever he can.


Sven Krause / ghost kickboarder

Sven is a completely normal ten-year-old boy who is in fourth grade in the Robank schoolhouse in Wetzikon. Like most boys his age, he loves sports and enjoys going out with friends. Nobody but his parents and his classmate Sarah know that he is the mysterious ghost kickboarder who protects the weak and fights crime.

Sarah Weber / Samuri

The eleven year old girl goes to school with Sven. She's the only one in the class who knows that Sven is the ghost kickboarder. On her inline skates she can hardly be stopped and disguised as a samurai helps the ghost kickboarder whenever and wherever she can.

Tom Krause

Sven's father is a rocket engineer by profession. He made the special equipment for the GKB team and helps the children to solve even the most complicated cases.

Inspector Gruber

The inspector of the city police is happy to be able to count on the support of the GKB team again and again. Even he doesn't know who is behind the mask of the ghost kickboarder and the disguise of samuris.



Since 2015 1 to 2 volumes have been published annually. Each book contains 6 to 10 individual stories. Additional questions of understanding follow after each chapter. Since 2019, the ghost kickboarder's puzzle books have also been published, a mixture of puzzles, short comics and a story.

tape Title:
The ghost kickboarder ...
Publishing year Year of action ISBN
1 … on the hunt 2015 2015 ISBN 978-3-9524505-0-5
2 ... looking for clues 2015 2015 ISBN 978-3-9524505-1-2
3 ... gets help 2016 2016 ISBN 978-3-9524505-6-7
4th … under suspicion 2016 2016 ISBN 978-3-9524505-9-8
5 ... keep fighting 2017 2017 ISBN 978-3-9524769-0-1
6th … do not give up 2017 2017 ISBN 978-3-9524769-1-8
7th ... on a mission 2018 2018 ISBN 978-3-9524769-2-5
8th … in the trap 2019 2019 ISBN 978-3-9524769-3-2
9 … is missing 2020 2020 ISBN 978-3-9524769-7-0
tape Title:
The ghost kickboarder
Publishing year Year of action ISBN
1 Fun & Games Booklet - No. 1 2018 2018 ISBN 978-3-9524769-4-9
2 Fun & Games Booklet - No. 2 2019 2019 ISBN 978-3-9524769-5-6
3 Fun & Games Booklet - No. 3 2019 2019 ISBN 978-3-9524769-6-3

Dialect radio plays from Schwiizerdütsch

The first two volumes were rewritten in Swiss dialect by Alex Moser, radio announcer at Radio SRF, and produced as radio plays by Geisterkickboarder GmbH. Among other voices, Alex Moser is the main speaker of the radio plays.

tape part Title:
De Geischter-
Kickboarder vo Wetzike (CD) ...
Publishing year ISBN
1 1 … On the hunt 2016 ISBN 978-3-9524505-2-9
2 … On the hunt 2016 ISBN 978-3-9524505-3-6
2 1 ... uf tracesuechi 2016 ISBN 978-3-9524505-7-4
2 ... uf tracesuechi 2016 ISBN 978-3-9524505-8-1


The two illustrators, Mia Liu and Fenja Zhang, live in Taiwan and draw in the Manga style, which is common in Asia. In the case of the drawings, great importance was attached to the fact that the locations, which are mainly set in the Zurich Oberland, are reproduced in great detail.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Book presentation Geisterkickboarder, Two children on a criminal hunt (FamilienSpick 26/2018, pp. 75/76; PDF file; 1MB)
  2. a b Angela Lembo: Children are heroes: In his books, a boy fights against evil as a ghost kickboarder. The author of this adventure is engineer Stefan Baiker from the Zurich Oberland. His son Sven inspired the stories. ( Swiss family May 2018, p. 53/54, PDF file; 1MB)