The name of the wind

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The Name of the Wind is a fantasy novel by the American writer Patrick Rothfuss from 2007 (German first edition 2008), originally designed as a single volume . The novel is the first volume in the regicide chronicle .

Table of contents

The innkeeper, Kote, saves a scribe known as the "Chronicler" from an attack by spider-like demons called Skraels. The chronicler finds out that Kote is really the legendary hero Kvothe, a famous musician, magician and swordsman. After some hesitation, Kvothe allows the chronicler to write down his life story. The story should take three days to complete.

Kvothe begins the story with his childhood as Edema Ruh, an ethnic group of traveling actors and musicians. He is extremely intelligent, educated and a particularly talented lute player and singer. Kvothe observes how another traveler named Abenthy defends himself against intrusive guards by calling the wind. Wanting to learn the "name of the wind" himself, he invites this arcanist - a university-trained magician - to join his group. Abenthy or Ben for short begins to teach Kvothe: in "botany, astronomy, psychology, anatomy, alchemy and chemistry", but also history and arithmetic, and to familiarize him with sympathy, a form of magic. Some time later, however, Ben leaves the company to court a rich and attractive widow. He leaves Kvothe a book with a dedication that he can later use as a recommendation for the university.

A new piece of music by Kvothes father about the "Chandrian", a group of mysterious beings, leads to them attacking the troop and murdering all troop members. Kvothe himself is spared, since he was hanging around in the forest at the time of the crime. The murder of his parents traumatizes Kvothe, who first seeks solace by playing the lute in the forest, then finds his way to the port city of Tarbean and spends three years there as a street child.

After the bard Skarpi tells him a story about the enemies of the Chandrian, Kvothe makes his way to the university, in whose library Kvothe hopes for information about the Chandrian and their enemies. After his admission to the university, Kvothe made friends and distinguished himself as an excellent student, but constant lack of money and rivalries with the wealthy student Ambrose Jakis and the arrogant master Hemme made his studies and research difficult. He begins a seemingly harmless friendship with the musician Denna, which repeatedly disappears temporarily. When he hears of a new Chandrian raid, he rushes to the scene. There he kills a dragon-like animal and thus saves a smaller town.

The novel ends in the Kotes inn, where the story is interrupted by the attack by a deserted soldier. It becomes clear that Kote can no longer use the magical abilities of Kvothes. The assistant and student Kvothes, a fairy prince named Bast, reveals to the chronicler that he had lured him to remind Kvothe of his old strength by telling his heroic deeds.


Lions Gate plans to make the Kingslayer Chronicle a film. Rothfuss announced this on his blog on October 1, 2015, after an implementation by 20th Century Fox had previously failed. In addition to the film, a TV series and a video game are also to be developed.


Individual evidence

  1. Statement by Patrick Rothfuss on the planned adaptation [1]