The way and the truth and the life

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EGO SUM VIA VERITAS ET VITA, inscription St. Stephen's Cathedral Budapest .

The words I am the way and the truth and the life belong to a picture speech of Jesus ( Jn 14,6  EU ). It represents the penultimate of a series of seven “I am” words of Jesus, which are handed down in the Gospel according to John .


The figurative word is part of the farewell speech of Jesus, which is in the Gospel of John in chapters 13-17. At the beginning of chapter 14, Jesus first announced that he would return and take his disciples to himself (and thus to God). This is followed by Jesus' statement that they know where he is going. Thereupon Thomas replies that they don't know where he is going and asks where they should know the way from. Jesus replies with the “I am” word, in which he makes it clear that he himself is the way to the Father :

“I am the way and the truth and the life; nobody comes to the father through me. "

- John 14.6  LU

Then Jesus explains that when they have known him, they will also know the Father. When Philip asks that he should show them the Father, Jesus replies: “ He who sees me sees the Father ” ( John 14 :LU ).


The goal of Jesus' path is a final and lasting communion with God. The way that leads there is Jesus Christ himself. It is therefore important to remain connected to him in faith. The truth and the life (meaning the revealed reality of God and the eternal life ) does not represent only the end of the path, but meeting the disciples on the way. Christ is the only way to the Father , because he has already come to people in exactly this way.

This last and lasting communion with God also annuls the fall of man and its consequences:

  1. After the fall of man, man was driven out of the garden of Ende; the way back was blocked by the angel of the circling sword ( Gen 3,24  SLT ). Only in Jesus, the Son of God, is there a way back to God;
  2. The fall of man only became possible because man believed the serpent who lied to him more than God, who cannot lie. Since then he has lived in a world that is shaped by lies. Jesus changes that. John 8, 31/32: "If you will abide in my word, you will truly be my disciples and will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
  3. Because of the Fall, death came into the world. That is the fate of all people. Romans 5:12: "Therefore, how sin came into the world through a man, and death through sin ..., 17 ... for if because of the sin of the one death reigned through the one, for how Much more will those who receive the fullness of grace and the gift of righteousness rule in life through the One, Jesus Christ. 18 As now, through the sin of the One, condemnation came upon all men, so is it also through the righteousness of him Justification that leads to life has come to one for all people. "


By Johann Friedrich Fasch (1688-1758), the cantata comes "The Philippi Jacobi" ( I am the Way, the Truth and the Life ... ).

Individual evidence

  1. Stuttgart Explanatory Bible. 2nd edition, German Bible Society, Stuttgart 1992, ISBN 3-438-01121-2 , p. 1357.