The lost love letter

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Title: The lost love letter
Original title: O scrisoare pierdută
Genus: Comedy in 4 acts
Original language: Romanian
Author: Ion Luca Caragiale
Publishing year: 1884
Premiere: November 13, 1884
Place of premiere: National Theater Bucharest
Place and time of the action: A district town in the mountainous part of Romania, present (= 1883).
  • Ștefan Tipătescu , District Prefect
  • Agamemnon Dandanache , veteran of the 1848 revolution
  • Zaharia Trahanache , President of the District Standing Committee, Election Committee, School Committee, Agriculture Commission, and other committees and commissions
  • Tache Farfuridi , lawyer, member of the above committees and commissions
  • Iordache Brânzovenescu , ditto
  • Nae Cațavencu , lawyer, editor-in-chief and owner of the newspaper "Sturmschrei der Karpaten", founder and president of the encyclopedia association "Romania's Economic Dawn"
  • Ionescu , teacher, employee of the above newspaper and member of the association
  • Popescu , ditto
  • Ghiță Pristanda , City Police Chief
  • A tipsy citizen
  • Zoe Trahanache , the wife of Zacharia Trahanake
  • a servant, voter, citizen, people

The Lost Love Letter , O scrisoare pierdută in Romanian , is a comedy by Ion Luca Caragiale from 1884.

It is a satire on civil society, inspired by the political situation at the end of the 19th century. The play shows the willingness to corrupt behavior of all political representatives. The occasion is the imminent election of a representative in a Romanian district town in 1883.

The central intrigue of the play is made possible by the loss of an intimate letter. This love letter, written by the single District Prefect (Tipătescu) to the wife of the President of the Election Committee (Zoe Trahanache), falls into the hands of political opponents and thus becomes the subject of blackmail . A highly political comedy unfolds between the various camps.

German-language editions

  • A letter was lost. Comedy in 4 acts. Translation from Romanian. Bucharest: Publishing House "Das Buch" 1952.
  • The lost love letter. Comedy in 4 acts. German by Georg Maurer . Berlin: Henschelverlag 1964. ( Reading sample )
  • The lost letter. Comedy in 4 acts. Bucharest National Theater 1966.

Film adaptations

  • O scrisoare pierdută , 1953 (Direction: Sica Alexandrescu, Victor Iliu)
  • O scrisoare pierdută , 1977 (Director: Liviu Ciulei )