Desider Aranyi

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Desider Arányi in 1894

Desider Aranyi , also Desider Arányi , actually Desider Goldberger ( August 18, 1868 in Szathmar-Nemty , Romania - 1923 in Pesterzsébet , Hungary ), was a Hungarian opera singer ( tenor ).


Aranyi, the son of a cantor , sang in church under the direction of his father when he was six. Archbishop Lajos Haynald , enchanted by the young man's beautiful voice, had him trained by singing master Emerich Belovics , director of the Friends of Music in Budapest. In 1890 he tried his hand at the stage for the first time at the City Theater in Brno. There he was hired as "primo tenoro assoluto". From there he came to director Engel at the Kroll'sche Theater (1892/93). His beautiful voice caught the eye of the then famous impresario Piontelli, and he engaged him for the Scala Theater in Milan. Before Aranyi appeared there, he enjoyed the lessons of the singing master Rossi for a long time, with whom he only studied the part of "Desgrieux" in Manon for six months . He finally made his debut in Genoa, with such resounding success that the opera could be performed en suite 100 times . Aranyi spent two years in Italy under the direction of Piontelli. At that time, director Arthur Nikisch was looking for a first tenor in Budapest, and having heard of Aranyi and his successes, he had him come and make his debut there on April 4, 1893 as "Desgrieux". After the guest performance ended, the artist was engaged for six years. He received the finishing touches to his voice from singing master Quirino Merli . On June 7, 1900, he had his last appearance in Budapest and then went to the Theater des Westens in Berlin at the request of the director Max Hofpaur . He was enthusiastically celebrated on a guest tour in Holland, and in Utrecht the Senate awarded him a laurel wreath in public. In 1901 he took part in the Mozart Festival in Salzburg.

From 1904 he sang again at the Budapest Opera. Guest performances took him to the Frankfurt Opera House in 1900, to the Vienna Court Opera in 1903, Dresden in 1903 and 1904, Berlin in 1904, to the Volksoper in Vienna in 1905 and again to Holland and Norway.

He was married to Emilie Lange .


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