German-Austrian club

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The German-Austrian Club was a German-free parliamentary group in the Austrian House of Representatives that emerged from the United Left . It existed from 1885 to 1888.


In September 1885, part of the MPs separated from the United Left and founded the German Club to represent a “sharper tone” against the government in the interests of Germanness. The remaining narrow majority of the faction of the United Left now formed the German-Austrian Club .

The core of the German-Austrian Club formed the constitutional loyalists as well as representatives of the imperial capital Vienna and the German " diaspora " in Moravia , Eastern Silesia and Bukovina .

In November 1888, the German-Austrian and German clubs merged again after some of the members split off from the latter as the German-National Association . The new party, which had 112 members in parliament, was called the United German Left .


  • Lothar Höbelt : Cornflower and Imperial Eagle. The German freedom parties of Old Austria 1882–1918. Publishing house for history and politics, Munich 1993.