German youth library

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The Deutsche Jugendbücherei was a literary series for young readers. It was published by Hermann Hillger Verlag (Berlin and Leipzig) since 1909 .


The series was founded in the German Empire by the United German Examination Boards for Youth Writings . The first issues were:

In the Weimar Republic, the Dürerbund took over the publication. By the end of 1925, 214 booklets had been published (No. 214: Tiermärchen für die Kleine von Gebr. Grimm , Berlin [1925]).

A change was made in the series after 1933. The Dürerbund was not acceptable to the National Socialists and its members were z. Partly with occupational bans because of "art Bolshevism". It then disbanded in 1935. The series was renamed Hillgers Deutsche Bücherei ; The publisher was now the German Labor Front . Strictly speaking, the publication was carried out by their sub-organizations NS-Gemeinschaft Kraft durch Freude , both of which were listed in the imprint. At the end of the day, the Reichsamt Deutsches Volksbildungswerk (recommended by the Reich leadership of the Nazi teachers' association) was named as the publisher, in turn a sub-organization of the NSG Kraft durch Freude .

After 1945 the original name Deutsche Jugendbücherei was used again. The series has now been published by the "Verlag Deutsche Jugend-Bücherei" (Berlin-Grunewald).


The booklets appeared in three different editions:

  • Edition A: Colorful series, with color picture (price 1920: 20 Pfennig),
  • Edition B, book series in half linen (price 1920: 40 Pfennig),
  • Edition C, without color picture (price 1920: 15 pfennigs).

Originally Fraktur typeface was used, later Antiqua .


A list of all booklets from No. 1 to 214 can be found at the end of Kürschner's Universal Conversation Lexicon , edited by Hermann Hillger. Seventh increased and improved edition, Berlin and Leipzig 1926.

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