Hermann Hillger

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Hermann Hillger (born August 22, 1865 in Calbe , † May 2, 1945 in Spiegelberg ) was a German publisher , farmer and politician ( DNVP ).

Life and work

Hillger founded a printing and publishing company in 1887. Since 1891 he has acted several times as general commissioner for international exhibitions and world exhibitions. In 1894 he founded the Hermann Hillger publishing house , which he subsequently managed. The publishing program was extremely broad and also included the German Youth Library and Kürschner's Universal Conversation Lexicon . During the First World War he was also head of a field bookshop .

After the end of the war Hillger worked as an independent farmer in Spiegelberg and had been a member of the board of the Reichslandbund since 1919 . He was also a member of the board of directors of Deutsche Rentenbank and Rentenbank-Kreditanstalt.

When the Soviet soldiers marched into Neustadt (Dosse) on May 2, 1945, he, his wife and another seventeen people committed suicide in the Spiegelberg manor.


Hillger was a member of the Prussian state parliament from 1924 to 1932 . In parliament he had the addition of Spiegelberg to his name .

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