German Association for Data Protection

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The German Association for Data Protection e. V. (DVD), in short: Data Protection Association , is a non-profit registered association founded in 1977 with headquarters in Bonn . The independent data protection consultant Frank Spaeing has been its chairman since October 2015.

The DVD aims to protect the interests of the citizens in all questions of data protection , data processing and data security . It wants to achieve this in particular by educating and advising the population and through public relations and media work. She works with other non-governmental organizations that pursue similar goals, for example with the Forum Computer Scientists for Peace and Social Responsibility , digitalcourage (formerly FoeBuD) and the Humanist Union . Together with them she participates in the annual presentation of the German Big Brother Awards . The German Association for Data Protection was a co-signatory of the joint declaration of the working group on data retention on the draft law on data retention and supports the demonstrations freedom instead of fear . She has also been a partner of Campact several times , e.g. B. 2012 in the campaign against the registration law .

The association describes itself as “civil, critical of the state and left-wing liberal”.

The magazine Datenschutz Nachrichten (DANA) has been publishing the DVD since 1978 .


  • Thilo Weichert : German Association for Data Protection (DVD) - 30 years is not enough. In: Datenschutz Nachrichten 2/2007, pp. 56–61.

Web links


  1. Demonstration call with supporter list
  2. ( Memento from November 5, 2013 in the Internet Archive )