German Association for Political Education

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German Association for Political Education
purpose Professional association for actors in political education
Chair: Tonio Oeftering (Federal Chairman),

Reinhold Hedtke (2nd chairman), Sibylle Reinhardt (2nd chairwoman) Marga Kempe (2nd chairwoman and treasurer)

Establishment date: 1965
Seat : Frankfurt am Main

The German Association for Political Education (DVPB) is a professional association for political teachers, specialist didactics and other in-school and extra-curricular actors that campaigns for political education . The non-partisan and non-denominational non-profit association founded in 1965 is divided into state associations.


The establishment of the DVPB on March 5, 1965 was a response to the increasing professionalization of political education towards the end of the 1950s. After the founding congress in October of the same year, work goals were formulated within the association, which included the networking of actors in political education and the strengthening of political education in schools. In addition to organizing conferences and seminars in cooperation with the Federal Agency for Civic Education and the regional headquarters, the DVPB also acted as the organizer of the Federal Congresses for Civic Education, which were intended to promote constructive dialogue and the visibility of political education. The first of these congresses took place in February 1982 in Giessen. In 2018 the association had around 3000 members.


The association is committed to strengthening political education, which it sees as necessary for participation in and maintenance of democracy. She therefore advocates a separate subject for political education. The DVPB also made this position strong in cases in which the subject of economics was introduced as a separate subject, which was perceived as a threat to the proportion of political education in the number of hours in schools. In addition, the DVPB criticized the fact that in the subject of economics, in many cases, social contexts were shortened and presented in a strongly normative way. The association publishes the magazine POLIS in the Wochenschau-Verlag nationwide , and the state association of North Rhine-Westphalia also publishes the magazine "Politisches Lern".


  1. ^ A b Clemens Lessing, Herbert Knepper: Political action for political education . In: Political Education in the Federal Republic . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 1996, ISBN 978-3-8100-1622-5 , p. 13–27 , doi : 10.1007 / 978-3-322-97345-0_1 ( [accessed October 22, 2018]).
  2. Collaboration and Membership | German Association for Political Education V. Retrieved October 24, 2018 (German).
  3. Goals & Structure | German Association for Political Education V. Retrieved October 24, 2018 (German).
  4. New school subject economics: What does a kebab cost and why? In: Spiegel Online . September 4, 2017 ( [accessed October 24, 2018]).
  5. ^ Anja Krüger: School subject "Economics" in BaWü: Learning to take insurance . In: The daily newspaper: taz . May 5, 2016, ISSN  0931-9085 ( [accessed October 24, 2018]).