Sibylle Reinhardt

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Sibylle Reinhardt (born August 29, 1941 in Reichenberg , née Schneider) is a German political didactic. Until 2006 she held the chair for didactics of social studies at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg .


Reinhardt graduated from the Elsa Brändström School in Hanover in 1961 . She then studied sociology, political science and German studies in Frankfurt am Main until 1967. She passed the diploma examination for sociology in 1967 and a year later she obtained the first state examination in education for politics and German. She did her legal clerkship at the Goethe-Gymnasium in Frankfurt and graduated with the 2nd state examination. In 1969 she began her doctorate with Jürgen Habermas on the subject: On the professionalization process of the teacher: considerations on teacher-student interaction and the like. their socialization . Since 1970 she has worked as a teacher at a grammar school in Wuppertal-Vohwinkel. In 1972 she successfully completed her dissertation . This was followed by a position as head of department at the Wuppertal study seminar; Here she supervised the training of trainee lawyers in the subjects of politics / social sciences until 1994. From 1975 to 1985 she was a lecturer at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal . She accelerated her scientific career in 1985 with a habilitation in the field of educational sociology , she received the venia legendi and worked as a private lecturer at the University of Wuppertal until 1994 . In 1994 she accepted a call to the chair for didactics of social studies in Halle. Here she worked as a political didactic specialist until her retirement .

Reinhardt is a founding member of the Society for Socio-Economic Education and Science (GSÖBW).


  • with Dagmar Richter (Ed.): Political didactics. Practical manual for secondary level I and II. Berlin 2005.
  • Values ​​education and political education. On the reflexivity of learning processes. Opladen 1999.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Board of Directors | Society for Socio-Economic Education and Science. Retrieved March 13, 2018 .