Sociology of education

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The sociology of education examines the social - economic, social and cultural - conditions of the educational process and the institutions in the educational system . It is the intersection of sociological and educational theory of education and educational research is the sub-discipline of sociology and educational science .

The sociology of education deals with the fundamentals and framework conditions, but also the functions of education and critically questions the extent to which the educational system can reproduce social inequality and reform it in the sense of greater equality of opportunity . Thus, the sociology of education provides insights and data that find their way into education policy and planning . The sociology of education also includes the description and analysis of the educational participation of different population groups across generations, the educational concepts and their functions and changes (e.g. worker education, humanistic education, lifelong learning, etc.) as well as the connections between education and social demographic phenomena.


Sociological studies of schools have existed since 1959. Since the restructuring within pedagogy from 1970 onwards, this discipline has played a leading role in the sociology of education. The PISA studies have given educational research a new public profile since 2001; However, their influence on education policy remains limited because research results are mostly cited and received selectively in the political debate.


Educational sociology comprises the areas of "Education and Social Development", "School Socialization", "School Sociology", "Education and Social Inequality", "Girls and Women in Education" and "Sociology of the University".

There is a strong technical overlap with educational sociology and educational sociology .


Beate Krais criticizes educational sociology for being dominated by pedagogy, especially empirical school research. She appeals that educational research should strengthen the link to debates in sociology such as B. should seek social inequality . This social inequality can be found in the intrinsic logic of educational institutions or in the socio-structural shifts in education and educational titles.

See also


  • R. Becker and W. Lauterbach (eds.): Education as a privilege? Wiesbaden 2004
  • B. Bernstein: Family education, social class and school success. 1971
  • Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron: The Illusion of Equal Opportunities. Studies on the sociology of education using the example of France. Klett, Stuttgart 1971
  • P. Büchner: Introduction to the sociology of upbringing and the educational system. 1985
  • H. Fend: Theory of School. 1980
  • Susanne Grimm : Sociology of Education and Upbringing. Ehrenwirth, Munich 1987 ISBN 3431028535
  • Günter Hartfiel and Kurt Holm: Education and Upbringing in the Industrial Society. 1973
  • Freerk Huisken: The "PISA shock" and how to deal with it. How much stupidity does the republic need / tolerate? VSA, Hamburg 2005 ISBN 389965160X
  • Klaus Hurrelmann : Education System and Society. 1975
  • Klaus Hurrelmann: Introduction to Socialization Theory. 1986
  • Beate Krais: Educational and educational sociology . In: Harald Kerber and Arnold Schmieder (eds.): Special sociologies. Rowohlt, Reinbek 1994, pp. 556-576 ISBN 3499555425
  • G. Lenhardt: School and bureaucratic rationality. 1984
  • K. Plake (Ed.): Classics of the sociology of education. 1987
  • Ingrid N.Sommerkorn : Sociology of Education and Upbringing. In: Hermann Korte and Bernhard Schäfers (eds.): Introduction to special sociologies. Leske + Budrich, Opladen 1993, pp. 29-55 ISBN 3825280713

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