Education from below

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Under formation of the bottom is pedagogical the lifting of the difference between teachers and learner (as for the frontal instruction is typical), and understood the lifting of the difference between theory and practice. In terms of content, the focus is on the self-determined development of non- hegemonic knowledge, mostly emancipatory . The beneficiaries of this education are often people with below-average cultural and financial opportunities. The popular education sees itself as a political education .

Popular Education

The Popular Education (Portuguese: educação popular - popular education ) was developed by Paulo Freire as a popular education for illiterate farmers in Latin America developed. For some years now, these approaches have been gaining in importance worldwide. So there is

The goal of Popular Education is not just imparting knowledge, but social change. Real social change can only be achieved if people also change. The following principles apply here: positive , productive and participatory .

According to the approach, you can only learn together if everyone comes from different life experiences. This is the only way to guarantee that the future will be shaped actively and independently - from below.

Workers' education / trade union education

The Proletkult movement at the beginning of the 20th century assumed that workers' education was very different from bourgeois education . With the summer school in Capri and later with the establishment of workers' universities, education from below was to be implemented. Special workers and farmers faculties were founded in the GDR in the 1950s .

Within workers ' education, attention was often drawn to the fact that education, as it occurs in the ruling educational institutions, neither does workers and workers' children justice, nor does it allow them to participate equally. For trade union education, Oskar Negt in particular developed an approach that is based on the reality of the workers' lives and that they primarily let each other educate one another.


With the critical universities of the 68s and the people's universities of the 80s, an attempt was made to organize an education that managed without a hierarchical relationship. Theory should become practical and the educational institutions should open up to people who otherwise have no access to universities. Frigga Haug, co-founder of the VolksUni Berlin , spoke explicitly of the approach of education from below .

Archives from below

Already in the labor movement , but also in the New Social Movements , archives were founded from below , with the help of which knowledge about one's own political, social and cultural history was to be established. Archives from below feel obliged to write a history that is called history from below . It is an everyday political story that has been forgotten. A history from below also feel the history workshops connected.


The Internet offers new opportunities for education from below . Projects such as Wikipedia as an online encyclopedia or the learning platform / environment Wikiversity , which can do without certified experts and have a high degree of networking , make new forms of education possible from below . However, there are limitations, as Internet access and skills in using a computer are required.


  • Paulo Freire: Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Education as a practice of freedom . Reinbek Hamburg 1973
  • Peter Mayo: Political education with Antonio Gramsci and Paulo Freire. Perspectives of a changing practice , Hamburg 2006, ISBN 3-88619-2806
  • Wolfgang Mack, Werner Baur, Joachim Schroeder: Thinking Education from Below. Growing up in difficult life situations - provocation for pedagogy October 2004 ISBN 3781513726
  • Antonio Gramsci: Upbringing and Education . (Selection of thematic studies from prison notebooks ), Hamburg 2004, ISBN 3-88619-423-X
  • ZAWiW (Hg): Research-based learning as a contribution to a new learning culture in senior citizens' studies AG SPAK 2006, ISBN 978-3-930830-75-6
  • Paulo Freire Gesellschaft (ed.) Flavia Mädche: Can learning really be fun? the dialogue in the educational conception of Paulo Freire AG SPAK 1995
  • Joachim Dabisch, Heinz Schulze (eds): Liberation and humanity, texts on Paulo Freire. AG SPAK 1991 ISBN 3923126-72-7

See also

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