Educational planning

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The educational planning to the through collaboration between politics and science, the further development of the education system control, to meet the needs of individual citizens, the bid of equal opportunities and the performance requirements of the Company to comply. The costs, the demand for degrees from the population and the development of the economy ( educational economics ) must be included.

IT-supported educational networks , which also document the increasing cooperation between educational institutions, are helpful for educational planning.


Federal German educational planning began around 1960. In 1963, the Conference of Ministers of Education presented an initial needs assessment from 1961 to 1970 for the school system and teacher training in order to plan the expansion of study places. Since then, the calculations have been updated regularly.

Important institutions in educational planning were or are

The renewal of the overall education plan failed in 1982 due to political rifts between the camps. A central document has not been agreed since then. With the federalism reform of 2006 the educational rights of the federal states vis-à-vis the federal government were strengthened.


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