German Geodetic Research Institute

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The German Geodetic Research Institute ( DGFI-TUM ) is a research institute of the Technical University of Munich in the engineering faculty Civil Geo Environment.

The DGFI was established at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in 1952 following a decision by the German Geodetic Commission . With effect from January 1, 2015, it was integrated into the Technical University of Munich. The research work carried out at the DGFI covers all areas of higher geodesy . The main topics are the realization of high-precision global and regional geodetic reference systems and satellite altimetry . The institute is networked in many ways through participation in national and international projects and participation in central positions in international scientific organizations. Intensive collaborations exist primarily within the framework of the scientific organizations IUGG ( International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics ), IAG ( International Association of Geodesy ) and IAU ( International Astronomical Union ).

Florian Seitz has been the director of the DGFI since 2012 .

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