Diet therapy

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One diet therapy is a therapy to support a healthy diet .

It is aimed at people with nutrition-related diseases and contains three sub-items that are weighted differently depending on personal needs, the clinical picture (indication) and the location (e.g. at home, in a hospital or in a care facility).

Diet therapy talk / diet therapy training

The term diet advice or nutritional advice is also often used for diet therapy discussions . The diet therapy conversation refers to the conversation about diet therapy by the dietitian with the patient and possibly the relatives. The subject of the discussion is the medical diet prescription and the practical implementation of diet therapy. In addition to the patient's preferences, other therapies (e.g. speech therapy ), medication (e.g. anti-diabetic drugs), nursing measures and living conditions play an important role. A diet therapy conversation always takes place on a doctor's order and usually consists of an initial discussion and follow-up discussions. The diet therapy training follows the same approach as the diet therapy conversation, but takes place in a group of people with similar clinical pictures (e.g. diabetes mellitus ).

Diet therapy setting

This means the creation, calculation, practical implementation and control of the individual diet therapy plan by the dietician, e.g. B. with special diets or enteral nutrition or parenteral nutrition. Enteral or parenteral nutrition is usually understood to mean enteral (via a tube) and parenteral (via infusion) nutrition therapy.


The diet includes the intake of food by mouth. This includes solid foods and beverages, but not medication. In a diet you can

A diet therapy plan is developed by the dietician or nutritionist in close cooperation with the patient and relatives, as well as in consultation with the doctor.

Funding diet therapy

In Germany, diet therapy is not a remedy within the meaning of the Therapeutic Products Directive ( Section 92 (1) No. 6 of Book Five of the Social Code ). On June 28, 2000 , the Federal Social Court made a positive decision on a lawsuit brought against this guideline by an independent dietician from Cologne . According to this, diet therapy is a remedy. Furthermore, according to this ruling, the refusal of the joint federal committee (G-BA) to decide in a formal procedure on the inclusion of diet therapy in the therapeutic products and medical aids directive unlawfully affects the professional group of dieticians in their professional freedom . The G-BA has not yet made a decision on including diet therapy in the Remedies and Medicines Directive. Diet therapy is currently subsidized by Section 43 of Book V of the Social Code. However, this is an optional service provided by the health insurance companies, i. H. the service cannot be claimed from the patient.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Association of Dieters - German Federal Association eV: VDD Service Catalog for Dieters, Part 1
  2. Decisions of the Federal Social Court 86, 223
  3. Federal Social Court , June 28, 2000 B6KA26 / 99R, BSG