Diagnostic and Test Board of Trustees

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The Diagnostik- und Testkuratorium (DTK, recently renamed, formerly the Testkuratorium ) is supported by the Professional Association of German Psychologists (BDP) and the German Society for Psychology (DGPs) within the joint federation of German Psychological Associations.

The main task is to protect the public from inadequate psychodiagnostic procedures and unskilled use of such procedures.

The tasks include:

It consists of 6 specialists, 3 of whom are each appointed by the BDP and the DGPs. Martin Kersting ( Giessen ) is chairman .

It has been prepared since 1982 on the initiative of Manfred Amelang, Heinrich Wottawa and Lutz F. Hornke . In 1986 it was institutionalized in its current form and the first quality guidelines were drawn up and published simultaneously in two specialist journals.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Test Board in DORSCH Lexicon of Psychology
  2. The DTK on psychologie.de
  3. Test Board on zpid.de
  4. Klaus Bös Test Board and Working Group Motor Tests in the dvs page 7
  5. ^ Test Board (1986): Description of the individual criteria for the test evaluation. Diagnostica, 32, 358-360 and Psychologische Rundschau 37: pp. 162-165